Pirate Gastronomy bugged

So I’m doing the anniversary quests and am stuck on Pirate Gastronomy. Gathered all the ingredients save for the special one as it didn’t seem to spawn for whatever reason, no ice shards in the area. After a bit of fishing, ended up buying it off the AH. Said hand it in to Bonenose, but he’s just giving me the three dots and saying they’re patient.
Great. So tried logging off logging back in, made sure I have all the items, nothing.

Since I couldn’t come up with any other solution, I abandoned the quest, and then took it up again. Figured it might solve the issue as I already have all the ingredients. So get quest, talk to Bonenose, fly down to Rosa to Booty Bay, get the translated book, fly back.
Quest stuck, same as before.

There are two optional parts to it, one being talk to Maru. Which I’ve tried but can’t as she just gives a generic answer, nothing quest related.
Bonenose is indicated on my map as the person to hand the quest to but he’s stuck on his three dots and won’t accept it.

Not sure if it’s a widespread issue, or I got lucky and found this, but a resolution would be great!

CS doesn’t give gameplay hints, especially about secret content. If you think something is bugged, you may have to report it through the ingame bug report panel.

That said, you didn’t exactly mention which item didn’t spawn or were missing. Other comments under WoWhead indicate that some icons overlap, make sure you got all the ingredients and try again?

Ah yes, sorry if I wasn’t clear on that bit. The last item, the “secret ingredient” is the one that didn’t spawn in the ice blocks, so that’s the only one I got off the AH.
Read the comment you linked to (thanks for that!), went back in game to double check, but it’s the correct item (fish), so could rule that one out.

The issue - for anyone who might need this later - was that even though I had the ingredients and spoke to Bonenose, he gives you Lone Watcher and Cold Storage as optional. Whereas apparently they weren’t. Trekked back to Northrend, went to the watcher, went over to Cold Storage (they spawned this time around), and then flew back.
Not sure if it’s intentional, but if you have the item in your inventory, you can interact with the blocks as much as you want, you won’t get anything and the ingredient is checked off in your questlog.
Returned to Bonenose, turned in the quest, happy days.

Happy feast of Winterveil!

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