Place low level players in their own shards

As topic said, put low level players in their own shard, so they can only see players ranging from 110-119. This way they cannot get ganked by max level players farming honor or doing world quests in a quest area. I doubt it’s intended for a raid to go around ganking low level players to complete weekly pvp quests, but that’s what’s happening right now. And yes it’s basically only horde that does this. The weekly pvp quest is extremely easy to complete as alliance since there are horde players everywhere.

It’s better in my mind to let horde players(the overpopulated faction) have a harder time to complete their weekly quest than to punish low-level alliance players for leveling a char on the underpopulated faction(where players are actually needed) by getting ganked all the time while leveling by 120s that want to finish a quest easily. The only thing this ganking does in the end is to cause them to give up and create a character on horde instead where the leveling experience is better.

This solution also removes the issue when you as a max level alliance player get placed in a shard with mostly low level alliance players vs only max level horde players. This happens fairly often in alliance zones. These low level players will not go to the WQ locations because they have no reason to, so you end up all pretty much alone at those locations, even if the shard got “balanced numbers overall”.


How about no.

Incase you missed the design intention of Warmode, it isn’t a “free bonus come and grab me!”, the incentive is there to turn it on AT A RISK of being killed or ganked.

You haven’t listened to the Devs talk and their intentions behind Warmode and the bonuses it offers.

“Incase you missed the design intention of Warmode, it isn’t a “free bonus come and grab me!”, the incentive is there to turn it on AT A RISK of being killed or ganked.”

Except that it IS a free bonus for horde.

The way it is now you have basically 0% chance of dying as a leveling horde player and a free 10% xp buff, vs a very high chance to die as a leveling alliance player and that 10% xp increase might not even be an increase at all considering all the times you die.

Personally I think you should reward players rolling on the underpopulated faction that needs players, but maybe that’s just me. Leveling on horde is faster and easier right now, that’s a really bad design for the overpopulated faction.

Just as a demonstration how safe it is to level as horde, this level 111 character has had war mode on since level 100, and I have died 0 times to alliance players. I don’t even remember if I even have seen an alliance player.

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I’m gonna start lookin for levelling Horde :wink:


If low level players give you honor they are meant to be ganked by blizzard. Otherwise they wouldn’t have done it like that.

You can feel free to turn off war mode though, however I have rarely been ganked while leveling on both horde and alliance


Sorry but I’m ally and I was ganking and camping low level and 120 horde players today. If you have WM on its tough

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It’s fine, no need to apologize… I think they like it, because they jump around for joy when attacking them. :slight_smile:

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That’s right, it’s like being at a concert and the star sees you at the back :smiley:

Running with my lvl 25 squishy mage and being seen by a lvl 120 makes you jump with joy :man_dancing:
And I feel the mutual love when they wait for me to ress at the graveyard, where I jump with a smile :man_cartwheeling: :woman_cartwheeling: for the mutal pleasure of both of us :partying_face:

And they say alliance don’t play WM and no one socialize in WoW anymore >>PFFT!<< :roll_eyes:

Though I wouldn’t mind having it more lvl balanced I also believe that some of the really good pvp’ers see a challenge in defeating higher lvl chars - as I experinced with an obvious arena group who was running around in Ashenvale killing players with almost 20 lvl’s between them :slightly_smiling_face:
((Note, I was the low horde, they were the even lower-lvl ganking alliance :blush: ))

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Very bad idea, i much enjoy ganking lowbies.
Where is the downvote button?

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