Hi!, so i’ve recently been trying to get into RP (Haven’t done any RP since like 2014 or so)
And i’ve heard that with RP, ERP does happen, and i want to avoid those places!
I looked up where ERP usually takes place, and i believe ERP breaks the ToS?
So im looking for Normal RP areas, so as a newbie on both Argent dawn and being a novice to RP.
What are the ERP Places i have to avoid as Alliance and Horde?
I looked it up, and found out that i should avoid Goldshire Inn as Alliance.
Is there such a place as Horde i need to avoid?
Peoples said Silvermoon?, but if i’d like to RP as a pure Blood elf, if so what section of Silvermoon do i have to avoid?
Thanks in Advance, and thanks for having me Argent Dawn
The Bazaar in Silvermoon (that area on the left side of the city, next to the Wayfarer’s inn) is pretty bad, the rest of the city is fine as far as I’m aware, even if a bit empty sometimes.
I’d also recommend you look up some of the RP guilds that interest you. Walk-ups are fine, but I personally always get the best experience with a guild. A guild can also help with learning about RP spots and give access to larger events.
It’s okay sometimes, before the sharding there was normally a good mix of RPers there, but I did start to see some players with the dreaded /c/ in their OOC info, and some rather blatant TRPs.
In my experience though, ERPers sometimes don’t care who you are or where you’re RPing. If they’re thirsty and your character fits their perverse needs, they will try it on. Shoutouts to the numerous gay void elves who made me feel incredibly uncomfortable playing Obahar for a good few months with their overtly sexual characters.
Yeah - I’ve ran into some fun people there and there seems to be a decent bunch around or in it, usually, but also the mentioned links sitting on a wall near there… I think it’s a nice and visually pleasing area and I’d rather not give up on it and not let it get swarmed by a certain type of people tbh.
Basically it’s a way for ERPers to show the sort of roleplay they enjoy by linking to their profile on a popular ERP website without actually putting a URL in.