Placing crafting order for max ilvl weapon

Hi, i have a question. If i put an order for weapon with aspect’s crest + missive + embelishment and crafting reagents, all 3 stars, is there a chance the crafted weapon will be lower than 447 ilvl? I really feel scared to get my crests wasted…

Very large chance mate! You’re best finding a crafter, I’m on kazzak and max weap smith so could help you but not about until weds now.

Even if it turns out lower than 447, you can always get it recrafted to 447 later, nothing is wasted besides some mats.

Most max lvl crafts require Insight (made by crafters from mettle, granting extra skill) to be guaranteed max quality. If you want it to be guarantted Q5, you’d better find a crafter. You can set quality restriction in personal orders, meaning the crafter is literally prohibited by the system to craft the item unless they can guarantee the given quality rank.

If you set Q5 in personal crafting order for weapon with missive+embelishment+aspect crest, even best crafters cant accept craft order since insight for guaranteed craft can be added later.
Only non-embelished craft orders can be set at Q5.

This is quite annoying to explain daily, what’s your % … it’s RNG mate sometimes it’s first sometimes it’s not. And then they don’t wana pay for the 100% and funnily enough get a low rank item from a not great crafted and end up asking for help anyway :rofl: happened a few times and ended up paying twice!!

There was a hotfix regarding this, so:
As of now a maxed weapon smith can guarantee a T5 447 even with Embellishment and Missiv, if they add an Illustrious Insight.

When you asked this question 7 days ago, this was not possible, because they’d be short 2 skill points to a guaranteed T5, which meant every smith had to rely on Inspiration - with a maximum procc chance of 41%.

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