Plain Black Tabard

is there such a thing in game?

and if not, is there one with minimal design?

I’ve got the Warsong one, and its got too much white on it!

Any ideas?

Tabard of the Ebon Blade comes close to being one solid dark color if you dont mind the blue

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Skryers one is also base black, but it has a gold logo that reminds me of Battlestar Galactica. If you have gold as an accent colour in the rest of your outfit that one might work, too.

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nah everything’s totally black

The hellscreams reach one would work, as the reds quite dark but its a bit of a grind

Yeah but it’s got the red horde symbol in the middle.

Best bet would be to make a guild and just make the tabard a black symbol on a black background. Works for any other plain colour that is shared between emblem and background.


got one!

Argussian Reach Tabard is black with a dark pattern and matched the rest of my stuff

thanks all!

Yeah that’s a good one. Enjoy it!

BTW you can now unlock void elves if you have an alliance char (assumed you completed argus campaign).

Would be nice if we could design our own tabards [not Guild’s], and while they’re at it update current designs to be HD.


And add some more symbol options

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Shattered Sun Offensive has a nice tabard, matches black sets. And the rep is not hard to grind, just run Magister’s Terrace heroic every day.

Don’t forget to buy the title when you’re exalted. I know, buying a title? Yes, you have to actually buy it.

Your name made me crack up and spit my tea LMAO.

Make your own guild and make your tabard completely black.

It would be nice to have some cheap block colour tabards available if we can’t have personal ones.

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