Plain Letter soulbound?

I just found out plain letters, “mails” are now soulbounds, so not only I have letters stuck on my bank alt, I can’t use them anymore as a roleplaying mechanic.

Why? I am still able to trade them at will on Retail.


That’s a big shame. Passing around and forwarding letters in person adds so much to immersion.

That’s doubly confusing if, indeed, letters can still be passed around freely in retail.

Whatever the reason behind this breaking change, Blizzard needs to reconsider this ASAP and at least fix this for RP realms.


What happened with no changes?


Someone said this on a reddit thread:

Seems they didn’t like how many people were scamming other people, or writing slurs on plain letters and selling them on the AH, so their solution was to make them soulbound, as to why they only did it for Classic and not Retail I’m not sure, but it’s a pretty weak and unthoughtful solution.

Is this the reason?

This is very unfortunate as I make extensive use of letters in game. As part of our guilds recruitment process I ask each member the same question and request a response in writing, I then store these letters on my alt.

Guess I’ll need to use a word document from now on instead, however this is a great shame and another blow for the RP community.

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Usually Blizzard announces even minute changes in a changelog. But I’ve not seen the Plain Letter change announce anywhere (neither the reason for the change nor a change announcement itself).

To me, this sounds like an unintended change and a bug (especially because plain letters are not soulbound in retail either). So, I recommend that everybody who is affected by this change to report this bug using the report tool.

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Bug reported!


Report this folks.

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