Got it this morning summoning animation is pretty cool
But still im not going to play wotlk cause there is no LFG
I was trying to trust me i was trying to play pre-patch but when i was waiting for a party as ret pala for over a 30 minutes because somehow no one was inviting me no need to play it
Soooooo…. What’s the difference with live WoW then?
Im playing tanks in m+ so i have insta invites
I would just like to chill and que for TBC dungeons and in wotlk for wotlk but blizzard tought differently at least they gave me dragon
Sure… try applying for a dungeon as ret pally in SL easy life as tank but we were talking about the pink DPS guys.
I do not play ret in SL cause its trash
but if i was i would have the same problem
i have this problem in PRE patch because there is paladin actually good
Daily HC takes around 20-30 min depending on dungeon.
For example a few days ago when it was sethekk halls, The searching for group and doing the entire dungeon took atotal of 15 min, and my server is not the biggest, Currently 2500 players on the faction i play here.
I have a hard time believing (Spelling?) that you tried to get a group
one of my friends who play classic let me use they’r computer and now i got it! and i didn’t expect that it had some kind of mounting animation. really cool mount. didn’t take long neither! tho… not abituated to classic
I got it! o/
yes. the fact you had to read quests was shocking. i remember the plot from 12 years ago but for example i forgot about thassarian and kolthira
nah, not that, i always read test text -w-
the problem is: no tmog and many of the other stuff we have on retail
true. anyway i wont play it. ive just run the scenaio to obtain the mount… and my little sweet draenei will stay there 4ever
same thing. unusless they put other stuff like this ofc
trying to inflate them numbers eh blizz??
not drawing as much attention as you expected?
you literally pretty much posted the same image as the op, what was the point in that?
it’s the blizzard immage but with punyelf’s character on it.
Thanks for the mount
i see on the mount punyelf tho.
Completely agree.
I got my mount, that is my character on my mount. That is the point.