Play a Death Knight in Wrath of the Lich King Classic™ Before 28/11 and Get a Mount in WoW®

Yeah it’s a strange decision not to put it into WotLK Classic but it is what it is, personally, I would have preferred the frost Wyrm as an updated flying mount but hey ho, it’s a mount with a Frost DK vibe.

Yep, this one worked. Logged on to retail and I had this mount in my collection

You don’t have to make the DK on the biggest server.

You don’t need 10000+ players to have a healthy server.

The 3000 on my server is more than enough

I very much doubt that

Omg… i forgot those times when you had to read the quest details :rofl::rofl::rofl: thank god I remember those quests :rofl::rofl:


Hah, same. I was like where is pointer ?>:D

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The queues are only really on the fresh start servers, where you can’t create a DK without a level 55 character.

Just create a character on a regular classic server, no queues at all, most of them are dead.

for at least 3 quests i had to use youtube to check what i actually need to do xD. And thx to questie addon its a bit more clear which mops you need to kill and where the mayor is hiding

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incredible. i had the same problem! hahaha good old times… now its too simple… reading the questst? naaaah

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I didn’t need to. Check your mount tab in retail.

It’s not a big download if you want the mount. It’s actually not a separate game anymore.

You know what you did wrong.

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WotLK’s class design is nothing like tBC’s. It far more resembles retail.

I entered thread to find “omg I’m forced” post - I wasn’t disappointed :heart:


its was ironic. anyway: what’s the last quest to achieve the mount?

edit: found.

you have to be careful with those jokes :smiley: nowadays players are forced to do literally anything in games

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youre right… the problem im built for the 99% by irony… (and sarcasm ofc)

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vm18? what’s dat.

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Retail mounts shouldn’t be unlocked by doing something in another game, especially not something like classic, which is atrocious to play through. The DK starting zone is dated as it is on retail, and it’s torture to do on classic.

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Cross promotion is a common thing and has been used for years. I got into WoW due to the Hearthstone-WoW cross promo for the Hearthsteed (and Lady Liadrin ) in March 2016 iirc . I played HoTs for a mount as well (never went back) . When I started WoW I had stuff awarded from playing D3 wafting for me - nice bonuses - which is all they are.

No one has to do it, it is free, I can’t see the problem to be honest (but as ever some people will find fault in anything)

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in fact is 40 mins of play. not a terrible effort

Thanks, Blizz, I love this!