Play new tier 4 set or 2x old set and 2x new set?

I came back after a 3 month break. I have the old tier set and the new tier set is it me or is the new tierset 4 bonus garbage and is it beter to play 2 set old and 2 set new it seems like it does alot more dmg in m+ due to the increases orb dmg and ice lance.
I get 10% icelance and orb dmg from old and 20% from the new one.

With the coldest snap talent 2x 2 set seems to do alot more dmg then the 4 set from the new tierset.

New set always, mostly because of the increased stats over the old set via a higher Ilvl. Also, the GS spec has taken precidence over the IL spec, under which Ice Lance doesn’t deal a huge amount of your damage.

Flurry on the other hand you’ll want up as much as possible due to the forced crit potential it has on Glacial Spike, even if it’s only a minimal increase in damage and proc rate.

It’s a bit of a crap set tbh, it was designed for the Ice Lance spec we’ve been playing since DF launched but since the rework we’re no longer spamming IL like crazy and it doesn’t really fit with the GS spec.

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