Player feedback about player housing

I don’t make threads often. But I felt this one was important… Considering this is a new feature we’re all going to be heavily invested in and care about in the future. And we all want to see being done right.

Feedback might be drowned in the chat and so on… But since Blizzard has stated that they look for player feedback and response to playerhousing. And since nothing has for certain been written in stone yet and all we have so far? Is concept art and ideas.

What do you guys WoW EU want out of player housing? And this thread is reserved for those only… If you don’t like player housing etc? Try to leave it out of this thread.

Personally I what I had envisioned was kind of the same system they had in Star wars the old republic… Where you could buy an apartment on the planet you desired the most.

I had imagined we would get something similar in wow… An apartment of varying sizes in our capital city of choice… Choosing decor and furniture that was of of our racial themes of the races we play.

But what do you guys envision? Where do you guys want player housing to go?`

Now is the time to speak up. Considering Blizzard has said them self they look to community feedback for this.

What are your guys expectations? What do you hope to see player Housing be alike?


Give me wildstar housing, I KNOW you have the former devs right there.


what was wildstar housing alike? Wows housing… I mean my first experience with housing was Star wars the old republic.

But I know wow fans far an wide alike draw their expectations from final fantasy. Wildstar and literally everywhere alike.

Where should blizzard aim? I Dont want this to fail… or feel like a garrisons 2.0

10 year old video of me and a friend and our first house we shared.
Every single player had an instanced house that you could fully decorate the way you wanted.
Both outside, inside, plot props, theme, music…you name it.
The options were endless.

Several RP guilds build entire bases inside their housing plot, held RP events there with interactable stuff, stuff you could add/remove on the fly for special effects and what not.

Wildstar housing was honestly the best thing you had ever seen.

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So when it comes too player housing… Blizzard should shoot with a wide spread shotgun? Rather than sniper aim basically? Try to hit as much of the over all target as possible?

I mean I agree. Player housing should cover all of us. Beyond just human and orc like aesthetics.

not sure how you got to that conclusion really.

The housing should include the following:

  • I can pick what kind of house I put down on my instanced plot: Tauren tent, Orc barracks, Vulpera wagon, undead graveyard pit, you name it.
  • I can decorate my plot how I want: put down trees, some kind of mini games, rocks, npcs…
  • I can fully decorate the interior: give me walls, chairs, basic building blocks, stairs, lights etc. Let me build my house how I want it to look.
  • I can toggle weather effects and what not.

I’d like a lot of inspiration to be taken from the housing system present in The Elder Scrolls Online. It has at least one furnishing style for every playable race as well as many of the non-playable races.

The houses themselves are account bound and come in various shapes and sizes. If someone wants to decorate a huge mansion, they can. If they only want to decorate a small inn room they can also do that.

Many different aesthetics are accounted for with the creative housing designs. There’s an underground castle, an underwater ruin, a moving ship and various other interesting options that are great for role-players.

My main concern is that WoW is taking inspiration from FFXIV’s housing system which is far inferior. I don’t care for the ‘neighbourhood’ angle. I hope such an approach doesn’t come at the cost of varied furniture and aesthetics.

Much like with garrisons in Warlords of Draenor, I have little interest in the Horde aesthetics for the housing district that were showcased. I do, however, see the Alliance option as more tolerable.

Yet I want them to go further, to be bolder. I’d like a house inspired by the ruins in Vashj’ir. Another somewhere in the Void. A third reflecting the tall spires of Silvermoon.

I have over fifty houses in TESO. Most of which have been decorated to use as backdrops in role-play campaigns. I hope the housing system in WoW is fully fleshed out and doesn’t skimp on options.


My example… Not conclussion <.< was a little on the nose and sharp… What I meant was… Blizzard should try to hit as many wanted targets as possible as too our expetations as possible… rather than zone in on a single aim.

I say this because I know that blizzard knows xD that they know what they are up against when it comes to player expectations… Since player housing has been around for a while. And when blizzard does it in wow? They know that anything less will lead to a backlash.

thank you Thalstarion… These are the kind a replies I wanna see.

Basically peoples visions and expectations of what player housing should be. And give Blizzard as much feedback as possible.

After player housing is made? At least they shouldn’t if it goes bad? Say they didnt have enough feedback or information to go off of.

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I have zero expectations.
I also never look into datamined stuff, I just take at face value what is presented by the devs.
I fine this avoids a lot of disapointment other players seem to get from new systems as they are added.

You should get some… Not saying that too be in your face or anything. But your paying a hefty sum monthly for this sub.

If you as a customer is just gonna lay there and take it. No question asked… Your gonna have a bad time.

You are paying a monthly sub for this game… You should expect the best.

I’d like the option to have housing in a completely isolated private setting, similar to the Garrison.

Not keen on the whole ‘neighbourhood’ thing.

And you can visit people’s homes, even complete strangers, from just right clicking their name and entering it like the Garrison.


If its anything like Wildstar that would be amazing!

Loved building my own treehouses and things.

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I don’t really care for Housing.

And what Blizzard have shown hasn’t really made me care any more for it.

If I were to care for Housing, then it would need to be purposeful and have a gameplay integration, and not just be an isolated side thing based around socialization and decoration.

But I don’t see that happening, because that was the realization Blizzard arrived at the first time, which is why The Garrison had purposeful tie-ins to gameplay and story.

As far as expectations, then I expect Blizzard to pitch Housing as the major sales feature for Midnight, so there’ll be a lot of monetization attached to it initially with Deluxe expansion bonuses and Online Store sales.
I would also expect to see plenty of Housing additions in the Midnight content patches to really get a player audience hooked on the feature.

If I were to hope for anything, then it would be new technology that can be used elsewhere. I mean, if you can hypothetically build and customize a structure in an instanced zone, and others can do the same, then you’re not too far away from a Battleground where you build your own fortress and lay actual siege upon the opponent fortress.
Or in raids you might have to interact with the environment by placing down barriers or building a wall to protect from a dragon breath, instead of just right-clicking an object or running behind a static object as we do today.
So there’s some cool gameplay possibilities that could maybe, perhaps, hopefully, come out of the technological development.


And yet i’m having a great time.
For about 20 years now.

Same for movies, I don’t watch trailers, I don’t over hype them or talk about them.
Havent seen a movie I didn’t like since Starship Troopers 2

‘‘Always expect the worst… then you will always be positively surprised’’ Eh? :sweat_smile:

But in this case… Blizzard is literally asking us for our expectations and all.

I also would recommend against that mindset my dude… <.< You deserve what your worth. Witch is the best.

For now I don’t expect much as they are just dipping their toe. Otherwise, I fully agree with what Thalstarion says; ESO is a very good basis for housing and has a good mixture of activities (and shop) to get decorations from.

I am hoping the neighbourhood idea isn’t quite as necessary as it reads and I most certainly will be going into a private one.

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You made quite a mouthful there to respond too Jito :dracthyr_sweat: As espected of the great Jito…

I guess my response should be. How would you see housing be made gameplay and purpose full? In what way?

I want Blizzard to NOT try and push social aspects on me in a system that, as far as I am concerned, completely and utterly is about me and my house.


Feedback is a bit pointless right now with so little information out there. But we can toss a few of our wishes on the Forum, doubt anyone would read it here, so you’d probably have better luck with an alt on the US forums.

Anyway, my one wish is that the stuff around the player’s house can be interracted with. So if I put a chair somewhere I want my avatar to be able to plant his bum in it. And I’m not just talking about chairs. If I place a cooking oven, I’d expect for it to allow cooking around it, so on and so forth.