Player feedback about player housing

That’s a silly thing to say.

A developer is a developer is a developer.

It’s not like the developers Blizzard have designated to work on the Housing feature are only capable of working on Housing, as if they all come with a background in construction and not programming and game development.

If Blizzard had wanted to introduce bungee jumping as a feature instead, then those developers could have been put to work on that. And if Blizzard didn’t want any new features at all, then they could have been put to work on more dungeons or raids.

Obviously the developers Blizzard have are part of the WoW team and they all work on the total scope of the WoW project. And if Housing requires some of the development resources, then those development resources can’t be designated toward something else. But it’s not like the people who work on Housing wouldn’t be able to work on something else in the absence of Housing. That’s silly to imply.


Oh you were serious!?



I just don’t think player housing is such a doomsday thing as you make it out too be… The recepie for how Blizzard makes wow is going to remain unchanged…

Your still gonna get the same old raid tiers and amount of m+ dungeon. And your new leveling quests as always. And too be honest if wow where to only develop this? Rince and repeat it would be a huge bore.

More things to do in a fantasy world mmo is not a bad thing. Just because you think the focus should lie in the things you like. Doesn’t mean blizzard should only listen to what you have to say or want.

You also do not speak for the majority and the main playerbase as much as it seems you think you are. And I wouldn’t just assume that if i where you.

I love fantasy, I chose nano, because I love the race, and good beer. I can’t play anything else.
I chose hunter for tradition, because I love nature, mountains and snowy landscapes.
my home must reflect my race and class.
I would like to build everywhere, (for me dun morogh), I would like to build with the materials I like most, (stone, wood), yes to the professions for the collection of materials and for the furnishings of the house.
no to neighborhoods.
I apologize for my bad english

that was great english. I got your message trough^^

Aye what it seems allot of us wants is player housing with race fantasy for all of us included. I hope blizzard listens to that feedback…

Not everyone plays humans and orcs. appealing housing to only themes of an over arching Human and orc/ Horde and alliance decor. In my oponion? Would be a mistake…


Blizzard has a budget for WoW that allows for a development team of a certain size.

Those developers are of course hired and trained to work on whatever WoW entails.
If Housing is a future feature for WoW, then some of the developers will have to work on that. And when they do that, then that’s a part of the development team that isn’t working on something else regarding WoW.
If Blizzard weren’t making Housing in WoW, then the development resources assigned toward it could obviously be assigned to something else instead.

I’m sure Blizzard has hired a guy who’s entire job is to do Housing and he’s only there to do Housing, but he’s in that position because Blizzard decided they wanted to do Housing.
If Blizzard hadn’t decided to do Housing, then they wouldn’t have allocated developers toward it, meaning that they would be able to - within budget - allocate developers toward other things instead.

That’s pretty obvious.
There’s a budget. Some of the budget goes toward Housing. If there was no Housing, that part of the budget could go elsewhere. It’s not like Housing is a freebie in the budget. It comes at the expense of something else.

I assume what you’re trying to point out is that you can’t just take a person working in one thing today and tell them to do something entirely different tomorrow and expect that to be fine. And that’s true, but that’s also an incredibly obtuse interpretation of the point I was making, and which I have hopefully elaborated upon now so it comes across with less room for obtuse interpretation - even for you.

I still think it’s a mistake and not that explicable given the resource ratio between WoW and SWTOR. A mistake because if i was say, a Forsaken I would have zero interest in an orc like house in Ogrimmar, but huge interest in a Forsaken themed tomb type place. So at launch it will be meh for a large portion of the players.

We don’t know yet what the available house styles at launch will be.
They haven’t revealed that yet.

Possibly. But they have to start somewhere.
And honestly; humans and orcs first, does make sense if you look at the franchise’s history.

And don’t get me wrong; of course I would have loved it if they launched the system with locations all over Azeroth and supporting all of the playable races, but it’s just not a realistic ask.

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But we also how to put some pressure on blizz or it ends like the heritage armour.
Its absolutely pathetic how long they are working on theaes sets and they are still not done


I agree completely.

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Find it funny you slate the game and then still want to buy this

which gives you sub :man_shrugging:

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