Player housing. A new concept

I thought of new different ways of implementing player housing into world of warcraft and I would like to have your thoughts on these.

First of all. One of the complaints that I’ve heard about player housing has been that cities would become dormant. But that subject will be handled in one of the suggestions I’m about to share.

  1. Player housing in cities
    Since the player housing would make the cities less lively, then why not put the player houses INTO the cities that exist already? For example Exodar and Silvermoon City really needs something new to get people back to them, not just a complete remake. Since sharding is a thing in WoW, no city would become dormant looking even if people would start hanging around in different places then Orgrimmar and Stormwind.

    Ofcourse on RP servers there aint sharding at all, but there people crowd places that are on other servers dormant anyways.

    When could this player housing happen?
    AFTER shadowlands. Theres probably happening a time leap after we come back from shadowlands, so it would be an optimal time to have some rework done on the cities. In Orgrimmar for example, there are ALOT of people living, but not nearly enough buildings to house them all, so why not add a new wing where there would be a customisable neighborhood or a shared player house in a similiar way of WoD garrisons, thats able to be purchased by any player or gifted by the faction for everything the player has done so far.

    I would love to be able to choose what city I want to live in, were it to be Stormwind, Exodar or Ironforge on Alliance OR Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff or Silvermoon City on the Horde. (or maybe even in a new night elven and forsaken city that would be build after shadowlands, who knows)

  2. A small neighborhood JUST outside the capital cities.
    Aslong as the Auction house and Bank is only found in the actual cities, players will be moving away from the houses eventually.

    This neighborhood can also be set in a guesting zone aswell, without any harm done. Just keep them inside Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, so no hearthstone is required for an easy way to an AH or Bank.

    By having the Player housing outside the capitals, the story telling like the one in BFA pre-expansion event is still available for WoW writers. But there could still be a work around even if a playerhousing area would end up becoming enemy factions territory. Like using bronze dragons help, but I personally dislike this idea. Having multiple versions of an area just so that the player can see both of them, isnt really my cup of tea. Would rather just have some permanent change.

  3. Player ships.
    IF Blizzard really doesnt want players to have buildings of their own, I’m sure that being a captain of a ship with own recruitable crew would do the same for most people. Like if an expansion set on exploring the backsite of Azeroth or the seas is ever made, then what else would be a better moment to have this in.

    Having some of the infamous guesting characters around azeroth to be able to be recruited into your crew, would be so darn great.
    I might be recruiting mankrik immediately and take him on a journey with me. Poor man really needs to move on from the passing of his wife.

Extra. This is just a part where I give some ideas for what could be done at/with the player houses.

  1. Have them shared to every toon on that server.
    no point on having a different house for every 50 characters that you have. Just share them with the toons you have on that server that are on the same faction and max leveled.

  2. Feel your experience more.
    Have some of your greatest deeds mounted on the walls. Like a painting of the player character defeating deathwing (or just a bunch of silhouettes parachuting onto his back). Or a claw/ head of a beast you’ve defeated on a raid or dungeon.
    OR just Anduin Wrynn or the Council of horde giving you a Diploma and a medal as a thank you for the service for your factions in the past war that you can put on your wall.

  3. Have the house interiors look different between every city.
    This is like an obvious detail. Orgrimmar gives you a nice orcish bed or a hammock to sleep on and Orgrimmar themed interior, where Stormwind will have that nice regular boring human house look that you’ve always wanted to have.
    Also dont give us too much options to change the interior of our house. If you live in orgrimmar but your interior looks like that of a house from stormwind, your choise of city really didnt matter.


Its been discussed before, even as far back as when Burning Crusade was being released, blizzard tried the idea with Player Garrisons, but the idea was put on the back-burner for most of the Warlords of Draenor expansion and felt VERY unfinished from what we were shown/speculated on during that years Blizzcon, still, it wasn’t all that bad, became a pretty decent guild-base for most guilds if they could be bothered to have their members show up, but it never became anything more then just “Here’s your hub, since we’re too lazy to make a true neutral city for you guys to be in” and BOY did that expansion fail to deliver on many fronts.

But yeah, rambling, Blizzard debs tried, but it wasn’t deemed important, so it most likely never will happen, and even IF, by some miracle ANOTHER expansion is announced after Shadowlands, I doubt player-housing is going to be there in that one, you’re better off finding another MMO that has that if you want it so badly.

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