Agreed, but I don’t see that happening on the initial launch.
At most, I expect it to be tied to a specific city/capital.

Blizzard needs to pick ONE system and do it properly.
They will not please everyone, nor should they just blatantly copy existing systems.

We all know that what marketing pushes out is different than what the devs are building.

Yeah but…who’s system?

There’s a pretty big gulf between the player who’d like a cart and an alpaca for their Vulpera, and the player who wants to build an entire neighborhood that looks like Rivendell.

And I didn’t get much wiser from the trailer, except maybe that it erred on the simple design?

It’s a win for the wow community.
I love housing.

My personal preference would be the Wildstar System

  • Every player/character has access to one house
  • Housing is instanced and separated from the world
  • You can connect houses together to form a neighborhood
  • You can freely decorate/change the exterior and interior
  • You can decide what type of house/setting you have.

That’s the garrison with more art and less functionality.

We’ll see.

Garrison sadly never felt like a house to me.
In regards to “housing” the Garrison was just way too limited.

I also do not want any progress or functionality tied to the house.
It should be purely cosmetic.

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In their defense, it´s a teaser for a feature that we´re not going to see for at least a year, possibly 2. That is more than enough time to flesh it out if the resources are allocated properly.

ANd probably this far ahead, vague, and without a hard datein no small part because they want to read things like exactly this part about racial housing… becaus no matter how many ideas they can come up with on their own, we can give them 100x that in 1/4 the time just by throwing out whatever happens to cross our mind, including things they might have just overlooked.

Like, for example, I’m a gnome… so keeping in like with the theme of this line of thought, I “should” be living in one of those gnomeregan Mechano-huts, right?

But what if I don´t want to? What if I want that Troll´s hut? Or maybe I too feel nomadic and would be better served with the vulpera´s Hobo-shopping cart…

Or maybe I want to become roomies with a my N8elf DK… so to speak a shared warband house instead of individual domiciles…

Thze possibilities are endless, we just have to make sure they know about all of htgem, as well as which ones we find truly important, if any :beers:

this will be very difficult. dunno if an orc will be allowed to stay in a wood environment.

exactly. my main is a gnome but i would prefer to stay in a panda style house (my 3rd main is a pandaren).

don’t see the problem, they went to Ashenvale just fine last time :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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I think they have already locked the feature down.
I don’t think they just announced a major feature for the game without knowing the scope of the project.

There’ll be room for player feedback, sure, but they didn’t start working on this thing yesterday.

Their producers know what they’re aiming for, how many development resources it should take, and when the various internal deadlines are.

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i always remember with dread the mission in w3 where you have to build a base in ashenvale as orc but the mine is long away and you had nelves continuing attacking you.
Not a so cozy places for orcs

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And that’s completely fine.

Maybe they’ll go the SWTOR route, where you can buy shop stuff and are then able to put it on the AH. This would create a new market and a way for people to just get stuff off of the AH if they want.

Of course many more items should be earnable in-game, through all the various types of activities that you can do.


Yeah, they´ve been in some way working on it for almost 21 years now… :wink:

But they have 2 years before we have a right to get antsy and start complaining about where it is… And yes, the major design arrtibutes are probably locked in already, but they still have 2 years to add things or pivot should they see the need, and that´s the important thing… my guess it that it´s probably about 80% -90% finished at this point, at least as far as the broad strokes go, or they wouldnt have been able to present even what they did in good faith. And now it´s mostly just a matter of fitting the feature to the playerbase… :wink:

Ion actually said in an interview that they want lots of input from the playerbase.
They’ve created the means and systems to make housing a reality, but many of its features are not locked in yet.

I don’t have a link for you unfortunately. It was read on the Bellular stream last night on one of those gaming websites - but I don’t remember which one.

Of course.

It would be asinine to say otherwise.

Show a trailer that doesn’t reveal anything, and allow players to be hopeful about everything, whilst withholding the grand reveal as long as possible.

That’s the best hype machine Blizzard have built for WoW in a long time. I salute their PR department.

The world, sadly, already feels empty, and i personally blame auto queues, that, sure it is very conviniet and i understand them being there, i just think it takes away from the world.

I’m already predicting it:

Decorating the house will cost huge sums of gold. Gold which a lot of people does not have, so they have to rely on selling WoW tokens to obtain that gold.

So yes, it will probably be like in many other MMORPGs where you decorate the house using real life money. WoW Token → Gold → Cosmetics

They gotta do it right. If everyone just sit in their own " instance " at their house. That will make the game feel empty and remove the MMO feeling that is left.

Should you get everything for free?
It seemed like you could decorate it with " achievements " like the heads of bosses you done or transmogs on walls.

this is the perfect representation of the term “hyperbole”. In truth we never know anything… so you cant assume anything.
For sure it will be very expensive but from here to say " blizzreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee token sellers" there is a lot of difference.

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