Player Housing - List of decorations and customisation ideas

Hi all,

Let’s brainstorm your dream player house! What decorations and customisations would make it the perfect home for you? Share your ideas and let’s build the ultimate wishlist!:smiley:

  • Patrolling Guards (Stormwind and Orgrimmar themed for now) - Guards can be customisable - Change colours, armour types, weapons, patrolling patterns and even their stances.

  • Security is a top priority! I love the idea of using fences, walls, mini towers, and gates to keep unwanted visitors out. It would be great if you could set a password for the gates and share it with friends, allowing them easy access. And the gates don’t even have to be physical - magical barriers are a fantastic alternative!

  • Enhance roleplaying with new player and warband member animations! Imagine typing a command like /firepit or simply clicking on the firepit, and your character automatically performs relevant actions. They could gather wood, stoke the flames, rub their hands together for warmth, and more, bringing the scene to life.

  • Imagine inviting NPCs to visit your home! As you explore the world and interact with both well-known and lesser-known NPC’s, you could unlock new dialogue options, inviting them for a visit. Once they’re at your place, they could interact with your belongings. Even better, special NPCs could offer unique services, such as repairs, creating portals, or providing fun, non-game-breaking quests for special items.

  • In SWTOR you can place NPCs or pets or mounts; I hope that will be possible too in WoW. I would love for my hunter pets to have their own spots; whether they’re lying somewhere, resting, sitting and keeping watch or walking around on set routes.
  • What I also hope is that empty plots in a neighbourhood are not barren spots. I hope the landscape simply fills it up with features that make it part of the environment.

  • I hope for a nice area around the actual house where you can have a garden or a wild patch of land if you so wish or basically anything that wouldn’t normally go inside a house.

  • I hope we get to determine things like: Time of day/lighting and weather.

  • Have a garden similar to the MOP garden experience where you can grow many things. Materials for many professions. Maybe a chance to grow some cool garden based plant mount :stuck_out_tongue:

I want racial themed decorations for all races T_T I mean we are all into class/race fantasy right? I wanna see awesome decor for all races alike.

as a vulpera I mean… I guess I am fine? with the horde/orc themed stuff. Since its already tribal looking. And that already fits Vulpera really well.

But not everyone in wow plays Human and orc races.

I fear blizzard is making a mistake… Making it an over all Horde/alliance human and orc theme.

Also I had hoped we would get a similar housing that SWTOR had just in wow.

Like we get our own apartments in various sizes. In the capital cities of our choice. With awesome decor with fantasy from our races.

Sure, that’s a given.
However, I think it’s unrealistic to expect that when the system launches.

There’s been 4 names datamined so far (Folk, Rugged, Generic, Opulent); 2 of them are human-esque (folk) and orc-esque (rugged) - though not exclusively; they just have somewhat of that vibe. Those were revealed in the blue post.

What the other two will be remains to be seen.

  • A stable for your 4 to 5 chosen mounts
  • Your “active house” mounts also perform special animations (animal mounts) - Ground mounts wonder and eat vegetation and the flying mounts can take off and fly around your house and land on the roof :slight_smile:

Placing armor sets, weapons, pictures or trophies would be nice.


That’s the one unique thing about Skyrim I love. When I found the Tundra House I started a new play through because of the armor room in the cellar. I hunted down every single claw, every single jeweled egg, every insect in a bottle. Did every single Daedric quest for the weapons and armor. It has kept me very busy (too busy for wow). And I have not even scratched the surface yet. Still need to get the mask collection going…

So yes, I do hope they offer something similar for Wow. At least a weapons display room for every single legendary weapon and mannequins to kit out with any of your favorite mogs etc.

  • Change the theme of the house using “saved” layouts
    You can change your house to become things like an Inn, or a blacksmith or a standard house. Maybe a town hall or even a barn.
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