Player LF Late Night Raid Guild (Silvermoon)

Afternoon All,

I am currently on the look out for a guild/group that raids from around 22:00pm Game Time. I have not raided much this patch, but am currently 8/8 Normal and 3/8 Heroic. I’m looking to start raiding again 2 - 3 times a week.

I have raided Mythic content back in Legion and would like to reach that stage again. So a guild/group currently raiding heroic with the intention of Mythic progression would be ideal.

My current main spec char is a resto druid with a balance off spec and soon to be guardian off spec, but I’ve access to the below chars who are currently level 120 and would be willing to play and gear one of them for the right guild/group:

Demon Hunter (DPS only)
Monk (Mistweaver or DPS)
Warrior (Tank or DPS)
Paladin (Holy or Tank)

THank you.

I can be messaged on Discord which is best due to work - tempus02#4076