Player Memorial

I too was at that one - for dear old Brigante. His LARP stories on here were both hilarious and legendary

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I met my ex spouse in wow. We were married for 12 years .

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that’s why s/he is your ex.

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I’m sorry for your loss.

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I know you are probably just trolling at this point but many marriages end in divorce. In the UK 42% of marriages end in divorce.

It has absolutely nothing to do with where you meet that person.


We don’t. But we should.

A memorial where you could put down or light a candle would be a nice touch IMO. It’s not personally dedicated to anyone. Just a tribute to fallen heroes kind of thing.


Forgive my ignorance but what is “Day of the dead” about?

Also the statue idea is great, Blizz should implement that. Call it “The Fallen Heroes” or something like that and it should have a representative of each race and gendre, maybe Humans, dwarves, NE, etc in SW and Orcs, Trolls, Tauren, etc in Org.

^^ This. And you could go farther and each WoW race having a different way of honoring the dead. Orcs or Trolls could be lighting a torch instead of candle.

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Wasn’t that about the Halloween one?

All I know is that it’s about honoring the dead, but it’s a bit more like a celebration than a somber gathering.

actually the fact how you meet the person IS the reason why there are so many divorces. It’s a little more complicated tho - it’s not just the fact you meet a person online but both parties put masks to pretend they are someone else because dating apps are like online stores and you have to stand out - then over time it’s hard to keep up the charade and more and more marriages fail the test of time.

Back in the day it was more about courtship or even earlier - just marriage through matchmakers or “because it made sense” and people had different expectations.

Now in the society of beta orbiters thinking they are giga chads marrying women programmed to be Disney princesses, you end up with a high divorce rate.

And it all starts from picking your partner online, like you order a new keyboard.
I noticed that people marrying their HS sweethearts have a better survival rate of their marriage over people meeting their new queens/kings via dating apps.

Ofc the post I wrote is a “simplification” - there are many issues that ruin today’s society but dating apps or meeting people online - that’s one of the problems.

It’s a Mexican thing the day after Halloween when families get together and talk about dead relatives. Or something like that.

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You have a very old fashioned outlook. The means doesn’t matter, the process is the same whether you meet first IRL or online. The stages of relationships don’t change.

Pre internet divorce stats were actually higher.


We have a variation in game as well.

Very limited look at it - the rates skyrocketed after “feminism got real”.
But also the number of marriages given is lower than before too… people also get married later etc… it’s all going downhill

I m absolutely against all of personnal demanding for selfish this this and that which is often ruin the lore.

But i m 101% pro this nice and kind idea.
we can even think about candles and stuff and memorial like nightcity (cyberpunk 2077) graveyard

with an display stuff like the bank or something else with personnal name of the person, decoration, candles with small floating texte upper the tomb. and when you go out of the display setup you ll see the floating name and candles turned ON

maybe some socket slot on the tomb for put toy, flowers or things the player loved.

A weapon or someting else

Sorry about the loss.

But this got me thinking.

When i do eventually pass away.

I would like a memorial in game even if its a pile of poop with a twig in it.

At least it would represent how people feel about me on these forums.

Realustically though i dont think anyone here would even notice if i did .


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But do you actually play the game though? A memorial on the forums is more fitting I think. Maybe an AI to respond to random threads and that way you will actually be haunting the forums.

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Met my other half online 18 years ago. Still going strong.


Sorry for your loss. :broken_heart:

I really like the idea of a “Wall of memorial” or something similar. They could make it server specific and for those characters that belonged to the passed one would appear on the wall, it could even be in a form of dialog that opens when you click the wall.

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