Player Memorial

Sadly a friend of mine has recently passed away who was an avid WoW player .Im understandably really hurting at her loss ,but it also given me time to reflect on having a fitting memorial to her ingame.I thought of a new alt and so on but didnt think it appropriate and then i hit on the idea of Blizzard actually having a single memorial in Valdrakken etc to honour every WoW player who has passed away so we can all remember our friends ,family members properly ingame.Im sure this would be an outstanding tribute to them and a fitting reminder of how much they were appreciated by Blizzard .Thoughts please.


Sorry for your loss.

But on the subject of Blizzard doing a memorial for everyone that has passed away… That’s simply impossible. Best they can do is maybe create a “Memorial Day” holyday event (if we don’t have one already, sorry I don’t pay attention to those so idk).


Thankyou,I was thinking a statue or memorial stone to honour all passed players not individual ones ,if thats what you thought i meant ?.

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I think that’s a nice idea … but probably not in Valdrakken which won’t be a hub full of people in the next expansion. It needs to be somewhere everyone visits - maybe one in Stormwind and one in Orgrimmar so we can just go there to remember.
I’m sorry to hear about your friend.
It might be worth making it a suggestion ingame making sure you make it clear it’s one (or in this case two) statues to cover everybody.

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When I do the quest near here I always stop by, I didn’t know the person. It just touched me I guess.

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as terrible as it sounds - a random player is a mere customer for Blizzard - they won’t care if they passed away unless they were impactful for the community.

Its not for a random player it would be a memorial for every player who has passed away.

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Ive seen that memorial and yes its fitting,but every player who has passed should be honoured and remembered not just a few ,so a single memorial to all i think would be lovely.

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It would be nice to have like a section of the Stormwind graveyard (or another place) dedicated to this. Though a little macabre, it would also serve a purpose for the ones who want, like a real graveyard, and it’s not like space is missing in a virtual world.


it’s just a game - stop applying everything irl to it. We already have all the woke stuff pushed into the game even tho nobody asked. We have tons of weird oddball references and now we have people who want player graveyards. Don’t you think it’s getting a little too much on the nose right now? What’s next? Human race characters with real life photo embed on their faces? Taxes and tax returns introduced? In-game marriage with full fledged divorces applied?

Some communities are very strong in WoW, we do bond with our fellow players and some of us meet up in real life. Some have relationships. I know several couples that are now married and had babies.

I went to a beautiful memorial for a forum regular, who also used to RP and AD. There was a substantial turnout and people shared memories of their time with the person.

Some people form no attachment to others and don’t even view them as real friendships and that’s fine too but not everyone is the same.

I don’t think a Memorial for lost comrades in both faction capitals would be amiss.


cringe lol.

I’d rather say lonely loners unable to marry irl have to resort to doing this in WoW.

As if the Sims franchise wasn’t enough.

There is a memorial in Elwynn Forest i think. I will try to look up the info. Its a gravestone that looks just like a real life gravestone of a wow player that passed away, but there’s no name on it. Iirc Blizzrad stated that they made it for players to have a place to go to honor and remember their lost ones.

Edit: the player was Ibelin who passed away some years ago and the parents discovered he had so many friends in his gaming world. Im sure you can find the memorial if you google ibelin + memorial.


I don’t see that it makes any difference if you meet through work, in the pub, part of the neighbourhood, in a nightclub, at a class, in a game, on a dating app etc.


It makes a whole lot of difference. Dating apps or games and online isn’t a natural way to meet people - it’s more like an online store, if anything and the results are most of the time poor. I could elaborate but you folks think it’s progress and it’s good somehow.

I guess I’m more open minded. A person is no less of a person because you meet them online.

It’s natural to form connections with others. I find it alien to treat people online as if they are subhuman.

However I think this is going off topic so I’ll not comment further.

Back to memorials!


Who made Blizzard the arbiter of memorials?!

Go to your favorite place (or theirs) in World of Warcraft, sit down, and look all around you, the first sizable rock near you that you see and think looks unique is the memorial.

Take a selfie with the rock, and you’re good.


Cant say i mentioned a graveyard so dont put words in my mouth .It was a suggestion to remember past players, you know the ones who have also helped fund Blizzards wages 'If youve got nothing nice to say then do me a favour and scroll past .

Last summer a gravestone showed up in Elwynn Forest and it looks exactly like Ibelins grave. There was a news story about that grave a little while ago here in Norway and the father had asked Blizzard why they put Ibelins grave into the game. They had then answered that the story of Ibelin had affected them, but also for others to have a place to go to honour their lost friends.

Its in norwegian mostly, but in case anyone is interested:

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