Players beeing rude in mytic plus should be band

Dear readers,
Word of warcraft is existing for over twenty years now, when people where starting the game in vanilla thy must be like in between 12-18. When i encounter [eole in world of warcraft i can indeed conclude that most of them are indeed older, having a famali/ job

So i do run as tank pugs mostly just lvl 10 tiing the dungeon for the vault, my rating just below 2.6, and i’m happy with that. I dont have the time to push higer keys, just a norm casual player. What i do shee in pugs are that players have expectations. I was doing a nercotic wake key, and the key holder wannts me to do as much dangerus pulls as posibol, because hi wanted to have a level 13 key. I was not aware of those goals, and i would not have joind his party sins i’m happy with just one chesting. So i told him that i has a tank lead the grp and decide about the pache of the dungeon, and that i’m gonna one chest it. . We reach some boss we wiped becouse of a mistake i made, and than the healer lefd. The keyholder was realy mad at me and was raging and dehumanzing me in wisper. So the ai is flaging those wispers and i can report him

what i like to know is: If the ai from blizard is flaging those wispers would that lead to a ban, for me it is realy improtend the player gets a ban. Just for beeing realy rude. At the end of the way this is a game and if things are not going as expected than you take your losses and try again Instead of raging to a random person in a pug. In my personal expetation if you ahve certain goals in m+ go play with your frends and be on discord, and if you pug and things are not going as pland than dont be rude to players even if you dont like them, just leafe the party but why say someting to hurt the person.

I realy wnat the person to be recive a ban , and i wanna know what happens if the ai from blizard is flagging those wispers and if it leads to someone. Because thise wispers where not only rude but also death treats and about my famili i do consider some legel action aswell. Let me know what the politi is from blizard.

sorry about m bad englise, not realy good at it

There is no AI flagging chat content in WoW.

However, if you report them the reports will get looked at.

After you report them, and the report gets validated by a GM the player gets penalised based on whether if they’ve been punished before and if it was really extreme content. For a permanent ban the content must be very extreme, or they must be repeatedly reported for abusing other people and penalised for it.

Dear saneko,

Tank for u fast response, the reason why i tought it is ai was that i shee in the chat [report] in yellow and that i didd not have to read what peole are writing. It is good to know that a human beeing is looking at those report, because i do encounter it way to offten. In my opnion you should never be rude to players you have never sheen before, but beside that writing rude comments will also place you on record so it good that blizard is doing someting about this

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