Players briefly disappearing in world pvp combat?

In dragonflight, i see players in world pvp sometimes disappear for like 2-3 seconds while in combat and they come back after a short time. Anyone know what is it?
-It happens with all classes not only rogue so do not say it is vanish etc.
-It happens in combat so it is not invis potion or invis tinker (they can’t be used in combat)
-They come back after 2-3 seconds so it is not arena, bg or dungeon que or phasing to another layer.
-They move while disappeared and re-appear in a place like they ran while invisible, so it is not shadowmeld.

I searched net a lot for this issue but could not find anything… Anyone have an idea?

Maybe they join a group… Or maybe not, since I met a Mage in WPvP the other day, who somehow logged off and instantly disappeared, only to spawn in at the same location 1min later…

I kept camping that spot, and every time he saw me attacking again, he would just log off again… :joy: I did it to him 5-6 times, and he would just disappear and appear in the same spot again.

So there must a “trick”, to log off without the forced 20 sec period, where your character stays behind with a grey nametag…

Maybe they were on the edge of a phased area, and went in a bit, then out another bit. There’s a few spots like that.

Phasing add on / auto group
people have been doing it for years,

i have raised the issue up before but its " by design" according to blizzard

an example would be , you are in world pvp and you are winning, then suddenly the person you are attacking disappears into another phased version , heals up and then leaves the phased group and re engages the pvp combat

blizzard during legion removed the popular phasing add on, but with SoD return , it came back full force

… in short. just report the player for exploiting, but dont expect anything to happen

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