Players not loading when distant ruins world pvp

World pvp is screwed up by players no longer loading if they get too far away. Let’s say I snipe someone with a net-o-matic, and they start flying away as fast as they can when they see me, chances are they will simply dissapear (my client will no longer load them, not an issue of me not being able to find them) and I won’t be able to gank them. It’s complete nonsense, it completely breaks immersion. PVP should be about skill and wits, not the server limitations making it harder to gank someone.

Until that gets fixed, tracking them on the minimap while you fly after them is real nice:

It needs to be fixed though

Ye it won’t be.

Happens with mobs too if you pay close attention, its cause of the dumb sharding/phasing / w/e you wanna call it most likely.

You need a tissue?

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