This whole phasing and q to escape thing are getting abused more and more. For me, on average, in 5 out of 10 fights I win lossing opponent vanishes.
There is even new method to make it easier to do for Horde - new toy “Rhan’ka’s Escape Plan”, they just pop it and wait for q or to phase out. You can’t dispel it or get them out of it with AoE or bomb-drop or any other way, or target them at all.
I’ve tested it, wanted to know how it works.
- So far, combat has very little to do with phasing, at least in my tests time to phase out/back in wasn’t affected by it.
- Location and invisible trigger borders are what triggers phasing all the time.
- If I stay in place and join/leave then phasing works fast only if it’s a place with big population (Elite/World boss WQ for example).
- When I leave WQ group, I see other players for some time, or until I or them move away (small distance) from WQ area.
- Target/track WQ with auto join (even on the other side of the map), get in combat on another WQ or near some WQ area, join tracked WQ and move in or out of WQ area that is near. Always phase out/in. Works all the time, with or without combat.
- City/Village/etc borders works the same way.
- That’s how majority of players escape repeated ganking on assaults - just join and move - you’ll be phased once you’ve crossed any trigger.
Anyway, with no official info on any of those matters - I’ve made a support ticket to ask if it is legal to abuse queue and phasing systems to escape in WPvP.
This is the response I’ve got:
As for your question regarding the tactic itself, any abuse of in-game mechanics is not allowed.
I want to issue a word of caution however, it might be easy to assume that anyone that phases out might be using this, and although it is easy to see a pattern when you are looking for it, it’s possible that players simply had a queue pop-up while engaged in world pvp, I know it happens to me.
That being said, you can report players if they wrote something, or if you can right click their portrait, but if there’s no way to do so, you can send an e-mail to detailing your observations.
The more specific you can be in terms of names, realm, time, details etc the easier it is for them to investigate further.
I think that means that using phasing to escape gank raid is OK, or switching from group to group on Assault, etc. But using stuff like constant queuing during WPvP and escaping/joining during PvP combat, or joining groups on a distant auto-join WQ while you’re in PvP combat - are not.
Basically players who do that regularly are exploiters - actions recorded and their pattern of abusing the system can be seen, and it’s not allowed. Big Brother is watching you…
to Moderators - I hope I didn’t break any rules by posting this, since it’s not a private information or something that relevant only to me. It is something that any player should know.