Players selling LFR loot

The greed and selfishness of people are incredible.

My treasures!!!

Mine!!! It is all mine!!!

This is all for a LFR loot. Fascinating.

30 - 40 years olds are behaving like middle school children.

I’m not sure if you meant I was greedy and selfish or your reply was targetted towards the other poster.

I have no issues with item trading as it’s all based on the Great RNG.

If I win, I win regardless of whoever wants to roll for it.

And come on, it’s LFR, I’m a filthy casual that never goes further than that and I still don’t see it as a big deal.

That happens since Cataclysm. I remember the 2H sword from Deathwing dropping for a Holy Paladin and then the player started bidding it in the chat…

Sounds harsh.

But its their loot. What they do with it is their choice.
If they want to sell it, sell it. If they want to use it, use it.

Its a free country.

Now is it scumbag behaviour? Yes it is.

Was whispered for an trinket I wanted and won. Player offered 290k… I couldn’t resist :smiley:

they also sell normal loot , mythic loots and heroic loots. let’s also not forget about guilds buying people’s saves for rwf xd all of them are ok but a random loot on lfr is not ? i mean i don’t do it but i’d sell if anyone wanted lol

This thread makes me wonder if I got scammed today :joy:

I never win anything in LFR, but occationally people try to trade me what they win. I’ve always declined, because I don’t trust random trading. Tonight I tried to see if there was any gold request with the item, but didn’t see anything so I for once accepted(because I am super fed up with this garbage loot system), said thanks, but dude didn’t reply.

I have no idea how much gold I have, so won’t notice if anything is missing.

Even if I have been scammed, that’s just another reason for me to whine about the removal of PL.

Does anyone remember if there is any trade history I can look at to see if someone sneaked some gold outta this old soul?

if u use tsm it has a tracker but idk how to check it

Well true I do not know the mechanics of it but I certainly felt like I got more than with rolling. I haven’t won a single piece since they got rid of personal loot.

I don’t think they can do that. You have to offer up the gold, they can’t put in how much gold they want you to trde.

LFR really should have Personal Loot back, just like the world boss has. This would also get around the good old Transmog vs Need roll. Some people, myself included, need nothing from LFR, but do like the transmog from it, I can’t win a single item for tmog if someone needs it for ilvl


It’s hard to trade now, items are soulbond. I would sell some lfr item for sure tho, it’s just LFR who cares? You will get a better one soon. Paying or making lfr loot important is just dumb, unless a mount…(you can literally get LFR tier in vault for doing heroic or tw) Rolling tho for just a reason to sell it, kinda mean…

I did sell few trinkets on normal and heroic from Aberrus. Both for 300k. I didn’t had a better equipped and wanted them too, but… it’s not that big of a deal and was end of season. I thought it’s funny and silly to want to buy those trinkets, so I sold them.

Rolling items for mog as need is also bad and you can convert items in the end of season anyways in catalyst.

I got more loot under PL than GL. On average two items per full raid clear. They might not be what I wanted but it was a lot easier to get gear and also people were more keen to share unwanted pieces.

PL catered to the players in the raid, so the items that players were awarded personally were specifically things from their loot table for them. GL just chucks up x number of drops regardless of whether they are present in that raid.

Ofc allowing any system where people are just needing on everything they can with a view to auction off loot seems pretty disgusting. They aren’t doing anything against the rules ofc. Just like all those awful GDKP runs you see in Classic.

I would love to see PL return even if it was just in LFR. It was just a better system. Ofc that wont stop the goblins who just want sell everything they get but at least they won’t be needing on every drop because they can’t.


Yes, saw 3 weapons for 1 hunter drop per one boss on a raid.

It’s a running joke in our hc clears that the damn bows and guns always drop. We have even run out of people to give it to for transmog.


You still have a chance of not getting loot at all tho, atleast with group loot theres guaranteed loot to roll for.

and even with personal loot people will harass you and beg and demand your loot trough whispers

Do we care what people do with the loot they win now?

Just WoW token + Booster, gives you higher ilevel than any thing LFR can give you.

M+ 16 is 463.

Got 4 +16 with armor stack (that is 8 463 items + vault on wednesday) for 550k and the price drops more and more every week.

Enjoy your misery doing lfr and hoping winning loot(you won’t) and that someone will buy it from you on 4th week or whatever it is now of the patch. Gl :laughing:

Nah the beauty of personal loot is if I actually need it I can’t trade it. I also have never been harassed, I just say “yes I need it” and if I didn’t I was happy to give it to someone, first come first serve.

I wouldn’t try to get stuff just to sell it, but if someone offered me 300k on an item that will be obsolete next season I’d take them on that offer. I’d rather buy the Lightforged Warframe or something that will otherwise serve me for much longer.

I’m almost fully decked in 441 stuff from spamming the anniversary bosses until I got sick of them.