Players selling LFR loot

:smile: WoW Mafia…
Selling used tears, 2nd hand breathe, 3rd head aches…

Yes, it would make no difference whatsoever. There are some of us who run LFR and only need on items we actually need. A personal loot system would force us to need on anything we CAN need on by default. When I run LFR, I’m there for something in particular, not to mess around dealing with whispers or putting a loot item that I didn’t want up for roll, so anything I looted that I didn’t want would just end up vendored.

Ofc it would make all the difference.

A PL system caters to the players and their spec preferences for that boss. It generates the loot and dishes it out. You get more loot for the group that attend.

But I can’t keep explaining how PL worked better and it worked too well and Blizzard took it away because of that. So now we have GL which is less effective at gearing the group going.

I don’t really know how many more times I can repeat this. People aren’t listening.

The selling part isn’t going to go away with PL. I did state that.


M+ has PL and it sucks. I’ve traded away 3 helms, 2 backs, 2 rings and got the same trinket multiple times (where nobody needed it) while I still need multiple items from the dungeon I’ve run dozens of times.

I don’t know if blizz thinks we should beg for trades or just farm the same dungeon until the end of the tier.

In Cataclysm RHC I geared up 5 alts by spamming random dungeons even though they had group loot.

Not really. It gives loot to people whether they want it or not, so it isn’t ‘for the group that attends’.

M+ is farmable, you can literally bash your head against it non stop, the drops are specific to the classes in the group and their loot specs. Most of us have some items we need from M+ on our bis lists. Where as raid I get one chance, I go kill boss, and I rely on the system including it in that loot pool which does not care about who is or isn’t there.

Back to M+, hilariously trying to get the Balefire Branch for a friend, I change my loot spec to Holy in WM, the other trinket dropped. Made the day of the healer in my group. D/E mats are always welcome ofc but I tend to give it to others as upgrades first and foremost ofc.

I never get offended when someone asks if I need something. I had to farm AD for Rezan’s trinket and it finally dropped yesterday. The Tank instantly was like ‘DO U NEED!’ I presume he was there farming too.

I’ve farmed most of my dungeon drops now. The repeatability and relevant loot drops make it so much easier than raid.

Totally really

The loot drops are specific to the classes and their specs when PL is used.

GL is anything from the boss loot table regardless of whether that class is present or not.

From LFR it will be obsolete like next week.


That means I can get an item of loot that I already have equipped (or have got multiple times before and don’t need), which can’t happen under the current system.

I suppose it means practically any of my characters could shout out, “Pip’s to the highest bidder,” or (if I was feeling particularly toxic) I could disenchant it before leaving the raid.

The simple change they could make to improve the current system would be to make it only drop items from the loot tables of the characters currently in the raid, but there’s nothing to stop people greeding for items that aren’t on their loot tables, and most of the loot that drops under PL gets vendored anyway…

Why will it be obsolete next week?

What is happening next week?

I’m playing new shaman heal and I got only one drop from 8 + And it was STAFF. like, seriously??? No resto uses staves, this is ridiculous.

Because it’s a very low level and you can get tier sets in dungeon vault from literally doing time walking dungeons.

And better trinkets from like +9? If people are ready to spend so much gold, usually it means they are doing something more serious than LFR in the game, or dumb, I guess…

The bidding wouldn’t stop under either system, that’s just a side effect of the region wide trading being allowed now.

I think I will always miss PL, for me it was the best gearing system where I got the most loot. Ofc there are instances of duplicates or things you don’t need but I actually got loot.

Now I rarely get anything. I have to rely on the vault/catalyst on alts. It’s pretty poor when attending the raid doesn’t gear you. M+ feels far more rewarding in comparison.

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My only S tier trinket is from the raid. It’s bis for just about every melee. Fierce competition :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

I will get one eventually from some difficulty. Was the same last tier, I was stuck with a Normal trinket all tier because I couldn’t get the HC one.

However it is good they’ve extended what is included in the vault. It’s given more players access. That and the upgrade system have been really good changes so that regardless of what level you play at or what content you do, you get to make use of the systems.

I’ve had plenty of gear from raid, but on classes that don’t have much competition in the raid group (if you pug, you can make your own group to achieve this).

The other thing about PL is that, if you get an item of loot that you don’t want because the stats are terrible for you but that’s 3 ilvls above your highest equipped, you can’t trade it even if you want to. That’s the most common way I’ve seen people who actually needed an item lose out, knowing that the player who won it can do nothing with it but vendor.

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Sure, I understand that, but will that trinket beat the other one with like being 15 Ilvl lower? Doubt

Yes under PL trading is restricted until you have something equipped of the same or higher ilvl. However that is far better IMO to the lets give your raid party useless loot. Blizzard could ofc have removed the restriction on PL but they don’t want us to have PL, gives us too much useful gear.

I honestly laughed at the make your own raid group for a pug. That’s not even a real possibility. Good luck making a raid with no melee in it so you can just fight the tanks for one trinket IF it drops.

You can love GL that’s fine but I will forever miss PL. I got more loot, geared up better and faster under PL and it was a better system all round for me. I miss my two drops per clear.

However the two sides of this will never agree. It’s like those who love TF vs those who hate it.

GL is the system and that’s what we have to put up with. I’m honestly just praying the vault gives me my trinket. However the chances of that happening are low. Will be a damn good week if that does happen though!

You seem to be conveniently ignoring this suggestion I made in one of my earlier responses that would solve the problem of ‘useless’ loot:

Sadly one of the reasons we lost PL is because of class stacking. I would ofc love for GL to respect the raid comp. Can’t see them doing it though sadly. If only!!!

Ah. I guess that’s the reason why M+ is so much easier to gear. We routinely class stack when someone is trying to gear an alt.