I played some warmode and noticed other players are using some spell or device to throw other to death, like cliffs and canyons. So if you stand on a cliff you suddenly fall to death and cant do anything. Sometimes its even my own faction and I lose durability when I fall to death.
Imo this is really toxic to do especially when its my own faction. Why do blizzard let them do this?
Because it is a knockback ability, why not?
You can just purchase Glider Kits from the AH or if your class allows it, use an ability that cancel fall damage… Like heroic leap, blink, immunes, disengage, etc etc.
The WPvP zones (two of them) have knockback features (ducks and that green bomb). Like people said, get gliders to avoid fall damage if your class has no way of countering fall damage.
As for your “own faction” doing this to you, the zones are free for all, so you are fair game to anyone not in your party.
I understand your frustration but it really isn’t the end of the world.
I had a random shaman knock me off and I Grappling Hooked at the correct time, flew back up and “surprised motherafaka” and finished the clown off.
Half the classes have abilities to prevent fall dmg, and the other half can buy 20 gliders for 100g on the AH. If you die to fall damage in World PvP, it’s your fault for not preparing properly for open world PvP.
And yes… Some of the BEST parts about World PvP is using the environment to your advantage. So instead of calling it “toxic”, try to adapt to that PvP mode, or turn it off entirely.
Btw Shaman and Mage literally has the BEST knockback spells in the game, so maybe use it to your advantage instead.