Playing 100% a healer feels really inefficient

The point stands…

They don’t need to. All of the world quests are perfectly doable as healers. It won’t be the most efficient way, but it is perfectly doable. Having healer-only (and then tank-only) WQs would also complicate a whole lot of things:

  • The game would need to stop you from doing all WQs for the different specs. If you’re a class that has 3+ roles, you should not be able to do WQs for all of them, because that’d be a huge advantage over classes that have less roles.
  • The most efficient way would likely still be switching between specs, because one WQ is easier/faster as DPS, the other as healer, the third as tank. So if you’re aiming for efficiency, you wouldn’t be in a better situation.
  • You can’t perfectly balance role-based WQs.
  • We’d need “party frames” for NPCs to be able to heal WQs without going nuts. Now combine that with 2 healers teaming up for a WQ…
  • What if you play in a group? Can DPS help out in a healer WQ or vice versa?
  • What about group WQs?

You don’t owe anyone any explanation why you want a piece of gear. If it drops for you, its yours. If it drops for anyone else, you’re free to ask for it for any purpose, and they’re free to deny it for any reason.

Eh, no. I got most of my essences and azerite gear as healer spec. When I’m doing N’zoth dailies solo, I do so in healer spec. It’s actually faster than in tank or dps spec, because I don’t get killed and camped by horde as a healer as often as I do in other specs. Noone wants to chase an unkillable monk across the entire zone I guess.

Also, something not many people have said before: you don’t have to do WQs solo. Team up with a DPS and blaze through them in no time. You can stay in healer spec too, and nothing in the game needs to change. So we already have a solution: group up!

Yeah. Slowly.

I am not asking for extra quests, but why cant they add mobs into existing wq’s that need healing?

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My experience is half as fast as healer. And so many have it as well. Glad you can be as fast as a dps I guess.


Slower than DPS, yes. Which is fine, since you are not a DPS spec. It’s still doable in a reasonable amount of time.

If you’re that slow, go find a DPS to team up with, and you can do all of the WQs you need, together, with you remaining a healer. Problem solved.

If you want to do it solo, and bore of the healer-DPS speed, go spec real dps.

Because then DPS and tanks would complain. Everyone can dish out reasonable DPS for WQs. If you add healing into the mix, that’ll hurt way more people than having to DPS does.

Not good enough - I am sure a company worth over 18 bil $ can work something out.


It may be related to class but I always sit MW. Word quests die quickly anyway, for bigger elites you will quickly get some and when doing some solo elites that actually deal damage you can out-heal it. Horrific Visions - on solo the scaling is nice, much harder in teams, and now they nerfed mobs HP for healers and tanks.

Dailies say hi.

cuz ion said so

Yes, it is called free respec and a DPS spec for every single class with a healer spec. If you intentionally make it hard for yourself, that’s noone else’s fault, really.

You can, right now, from least effective to most:

  • Stay healer, solo. Still does okay damage, but noticably slower than real DPS spec.
  • Stay healer, in group. Technically, this is likely faster than any other solo method, but since you insist on doing solo, I’ll assume grouping up for you is a challenging barrier.
  • Spec DPS or tank, without any gear changes. This is free to do in any resting area. Since you keep the gear and even the azerite traits, there’s no extra bag space required. Will not be as efficient as hopping into DPS gear, but will likely pull bigger numbers than if you’re in healer spec. Might not be an option for Horrific Visions, though.
  • Spec DPS, and bring DPS gear.
  • Spec DPS, and bring others.

There, you have a couple of ways to solve it today. None of them are hard to do. For some of them, you don’t need extra gear. For others, you don’t even need to change spec. You have multiple options, you just choose to ignore all of those and complain that you can’t heal stuff to death and bad blizz doesn’t let you do that whine whine whine.

Put at least >0 effort in.


judging from ion interviews i dont think he is going to do anything about healers

I always needed a dps spec, starting right in vanilla when I needed to collect pages in Silithus so I could get the BIS healer mace. There have always been dailies since TBC, stuff to farm, etc.

It’s so trivial now with multi-specs (at no cost), most of the gear switching primary stats, and the many loot sources.

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Blizzard thought about this regarding Horrific Vissions, they’re reducing health pool of mobs in HVs by 42%~ for healers and 23%~ for tanks who go in solo

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What when?

Last Monday

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Yeah its already implemented, thats why i think restosham can do extremely well in HV now, they have an interrupt(a really really good one), do dps-spec comparable dps when built right and wont die ever.

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In the past, they did even mention out loud that you should get to play the spec you chose. That’s when they gave every healer at least a small aoe and made every healer’s main spammable damage spell mana-free (with the exception of Disc, for obvious reasons).
That philosophy flew out the window at some point, though I’m not sure why.

People love to talk about how “it’s not a big deal, just use a dps spec, it’s fine for me so it should be for you, you cry for no reason”. But no one realises this is only true for the healer specs. Not a single tank needs to swap to dps to manage the mandatory chores. Tanks’ job isn’t to deal damage, it’s to keep aggro and take big hits without dying thanks to their active mitigation abilities. Why is it, then, that a tank gets to do meaningful enough damage to do their chores properly?

Be honest, people. If tanks didn’t have enough damage to do the darn WQ’s, everyone would cry havoc. But as soon as the problem’s healer-exclusive, no one cares. In fact, everyone seems to pretend it’s cool to not care. While also complaining about lack of healers. Well, a lot of them go DPS to do their chores and never go back because they get sick of doing a thankless job that’s useless on its own, 100% necessary for parties, and gets no recognition because the tanks are still seen as the only target for harassment in parties.
It’s a harsh reality to swap to dps for WQs and a few LFRs for giggles, only to realise suddenly you’re not being abused, you complete your dailies in less than 3 hours, and people suddenly compliment you when you do a good job in parties. I’ve been complimented on a hunter for dismissing my pet before a jump and for interrupting, and on my dps shaman for using the stun totem where needed.

The last thing anyone said to me when I was healing on my shaman was a death threat. The person in question stood in fire that ticked 30% of their HP per second, while the tank was taking consistent enough damage that I wasn’t able to drop everything just to keep the fire-eater alive.

TL;DR: I agree with the op.


I found an old raid log, third on the raid DPS meters when being a healer:


818K DPS on Eonar and my DPS rotation actually was rotation:smiley: who says healers can’t do DPS… in meme conditions.

We are almost at the same levels of before they first changed spell power for healers in TBC.

Smite smite smite smite smite smite smite… over and over. I am never in any kind of danger from the mobs while questing but everything takes two lifetimes to kill! I find that incredibly boring and I hope they will address this in SL somehow.

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It’s called free respec, something we did not have in TBC. Want to kill stuff fast? Spec for it.