Playing a healer as new player

And have you told that person that they should increase their IF uptime or did you just complain?

Iā€™ve told several people. They donā€™t take kindly to people telling them how to play and often just leave the group when theyā€™re told theyā€™re playing wrong.

One guy mouthed off at me because he was higher rating than me on his main, so he knows how to play the game. Like, look, I donā€™t care if you can play your main, this is your alt youā€™re playing and you obviously donā€™t know how to play it.

Well if someone told me that I would reply with ā€œI knowā€ because i always want to press Maul :joy:

But again, if there are some toxic one not taking tips kindly thatā€™s on them.

I would just leave the group if someone responded with that.

And you complain about people not taking tips kindly? Lol.

If you want to press maul instead of ironfur, Iā€™m out. Instantly. Iā€™m not playing with someone who puts damage above mitigation.

Both Warrior and Druid have this mechanics to balance out IP with Rev and IF with Maul.

While 50% is for sure low people can get greedy and mismanage, itā€™s not the end of the world you get better by playing it.

Bruh, I have 80-90% uptime on my druid, I never go lower than 80%. Itā€™s a complete lack of knowledge on how to mitigate damage if youā€™re at 50%. So many healers playing with me are surprised Iā€™m not a paper bear because theyā€™ve had to play with so many paper bears.

You should just expect the worst in 15ā€™s. It is the current step-in level with korthia-gear. You should just do higher keys and your ā€˜problemsā€™ will go. Or stay in 15ā€™s and be prepared to carry.

I did a +17 mists as my highest, that was my worst key in terms of HPS Iā€™ve had to do. I had to pop everything at the start because the tank was just dying. Ascendance, spirit link, cloudburst, trinkets, pots, mana tide because I was blowing my mana to smitherens with the hps I was doing. We almost wiped because I was going oom.

Never create an oppinion of just 1 try.
And usually the start is a big pull. You are supposed to use like everything there.

And where I say that it isnā€™t exactly?

I simply despise this ā€œuhhh I aM gOnNa lEaVeā€ attitude of people playing 15s after 5 months of 9.1 and expect the quality of players to be method level.

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I donā€™t expect method level. Method level players are well beyond knowing basic stuff like mitigation.

This entire conversation started because you expect people in a 15 to track your totem capacity and not heal themselves knowing you will pop it.

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I trust healers to not let me die from unavoidable damage, not panic unless theyā€™ve given me a reason to not trust them. Iā€™ve been at 10% hp for extended periods of time without suddenly popping everything I have to heal when dpsing. If Iā€™ve died at those occasions, itā€™s because I screwed up at avoiding damage, not because of the healer. If thereā€™s no unavoidable damage going out, you donā€™t need to be topped off instantly. You can be left at 1% hp even while waiting for the healer to get to you before any unavoidable damage comes.

The better play is in by far the most cases still just take a cookie/potion or WoG/LoH yourself. Those dps players are definitely going to do higher keys.


Unlikely, that paladin who did the wog/loh thing was being outdamaged by the tank.

No worries. I have faith in the player. Just more experience needed. It is already showing potential.

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