Playing GW2 these past few weeks has been eye opening

I never took to GW2 or FF. Tried them both.

It’s nice people have other interests, they just aren’t for me :slight_smile:


I played GW2 for a little while when it first came out, there are aspects of the world content that WoW could use like random events in the open world where players have to work together to complete an objective.

In later maps, this escalates in major events, such as the Mouth of Mordremoth.

Ikr, but thats the point, arena/pvp and older content have already been paid for multiple times over. We are increasingly finding more and more players enjoy legacy stuff, which is essentially what pvp is compared to the current offering, which is beyond poor. For the money being paid over to Bli$$ things should be a lot better than they are.

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You ‘bought’ a free game? Sounds like someones talking of his rear here.

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A product’s value to a customer is incredibly subjective. Do you know the main value I derive from WoW? I do not get harassed with the itemshop. Constantly. There are itemshop mounts twice a year and they are SO EASY to ignore, because nothing in the game even harasses you to go buy them. The last 2 mounts, I learned of them from the outrage against them.

So I pay my $15 a month and I don’t get bothered with monetization. All online games have a cost and I find WoW’s to be the most reasonable. Even if in other games I don’t have to spend money, I still have to deal with their monetizations and I really don’t want to. I’d rather pay my $15 and be left alone. That $15 is the cheapest offering out there, and I have calculated the cost it would take me to play the average free game to any level of satisfaction and comfort.


It’s no secret that the world in World of Warcraft has taken a backseat to repeatable, instanced content to the point where the only reason to be out in the world anymore is to collect some anima from world quests or farm resource nodes.

It’s also no secret that Blizzard goes out of their way to hobble, obstruct and impede players with what appears to be an antagonistic design philosophy over the last few expansions. Presumably to compel people into putting up with the terrible idea that is/was Pathfinder.

After all, it cannot be overstated how much better (read: less frustrating) the game will become once we can simply fly over, for example, those annoying mobs in Maldraxxus that apply a slow when they charge you, or the mind-flaying mobs in Eternal Vale BFA or the flying serpents that would apply a slow debuff when you finally did get flying unlocked etc etc.

Stuff like that really gets on my nerves. It serves no purpose other than to be annoying/frustrating. It truly blows my mind as to why a game designer would seek to make a game more irritating

On topic of GW2, I really wouldn’t mind if Blizzard did what they do best and take a few pages out of another studio’s book and make world content more engaging and give you more reasons to go out and explore the map. It’s been a long while since I’ve played GW2 but I always thought their way of getting people to explore the map was fun and you had good reasons to do it beyond a simple achievement requirement for PF in WoW.


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Stop it, you’re making me drool of these shiny features I am daydreaming WoW had. :laughing:

I’ve seen people glide to Revendreth from the chains in Korthia…

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  • A 10 boss raid
  • A mega dungeon which seems actually pretty great
  • A new zone with outdoor gear progression up to heroic quality gear (3ilvl below actually) and seemingly a bunch of cool, non-timegated features
  • Unique raid progression through the shards of domination
  • Torghast “rework” & additional rewards.

Few patches in WoW’s history offered more content and yet we survived.

Gotta give credit where credit is due : 9.1 doesn’t lack content or at least no more than pretty much every previous patch.


There are about 8 years between vanilla’s release, and GW2’s release where arenanet could see some of WoW’s problems and improve on them. As such GW2 does a LOT of things better than WoW.

However, (putting WoW’s brand loyal or addicted playerbase aside) WoW does seem to do instance PvE better, mainly Raids.

they have their strenghts and players gravitate towards whichever is closer to their desired activities.

with GW2 thought, everything else is done so well that even though it lacks raids and more numerous instanced dungeons players enjoy it.

However, if you took away WoW’s raids… … …


Sadly new zones are held back for x y z patch instead of being released day 1 of an expansion with the other maps… and also most new expansion zones are so small … you would have to go by foot to even get to enjoy it else you are already across the whole with a mount in 2minutes…

Uhm yea not quite as great as it looks on paper.

-10 boss raid is basically standard and expected. At this points nobody really cares anymore.

-Mega dungeon is nice and all at least for the first 2 weeks, after that everybody will complain again that the dungeon takes too long for what it is, a dungeon. We had that already with mecha garbage. Done that once then waited for M+ and split release a people tend to leave during the dungeon and it was mega annoying. Same will happen here most likely. Don’t know if the loot is worth while either.

nobody needs or wants that. It is just bad if you can gear up to HC difficulty by doing world quests. But you know already this won’t be really the case, right? It sure will be time gated by either renown or some mongo currency or limited access to this gear (like 1 piece per week or something)

Nobody cares though? It is just a raid. Even if you put another 23-953482938048 things into the raid, it is still just a raid which many people won’t do or enjoy. Raids are a slog and is for people who enjoy staring at paint drying on a wall for hours to then play just dance 2021.

we asked for boreghast to die in a fire. Then they try to iterate on it again which makes the content not better at all.

so no 9.1 doesn’t have anything good or great to begin with. Just the standard crap.
Which honestly is fine, if the systems in the game would be improved, which are not.

We still have covenants garbage system
we still have pvp gearing trash system
we still have valor points trash and weekly vault time gated garbanzo
we still have 0 class / spec balance all over the game

If you package sh!t nicely it is still sh!t inside.
I really don’t care so much about the content, rather than the game play.

For people who don’t raid, content doesn’t really change at all.

Let’s take the mythic plus player:
He will still do the same dungeons and get the same gear just with higher ilvl.

2/3 end game contents (m+, pvp, raid) will stay exactly the same throughout the whole expac if they don’t change the systems and balance.

Whole patches are always focused on raiding which is really a small part of this game, but whatever

no credit from me here. They missed the mark to improve many bad stuff that drove players away from SL to begin with.

You are exactly what is wrong.

Guess what, that’s content ‘BuT iTs NoT mUh CoNtEnT’

Give a damn chance before we moan eh? Christ I sound like some shill lately but people seem to be absolutely adverse to even trying something before writing their opinion.


Yeah, 16 years ago, when I had WoW open, I was fully immersed in the game. When I was in the Barrens, I would do quests in that zone for hours. Eventually I’d progress and move on to some other zone, like Ashenvale, and then spend multiple hours in there. The world had significance back then - my character was living in it back then.

Today, we’re constantly flying around between zones, thanks to the stupid quest designs. Covenant Callings make you constantly travel between multiple zones, and because the 4 zones in Shadowlands are disconnected, one doesn’t even have the option of traveling manually with ones mount. Constantly flying around along flight paths makes me alt-tab out of WoW all the time. WoW is not immersive anymore like it was 16 years ago.

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i have 18 chars in gw2 and have played since it was just plain old guild wars it is a great game and mostly free to play i turn to it when wow gets to sour to play any more


BFA had iirc 8 bosses raids in 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2

Most of the old raids were closer to 7 bosses than 10.

That’s not a budget raid like the 2 boss raid in 7.1 (trial of Valor iirc ? Released alongside karazhan)

To each their own, Mechagon was pretty well received tho

Is upgradable with Valor, making it relevant for pretty much everyone if there’s unique stuff there

Casuals doing open world content want an open world gear progression beside WQ, is that too hard to understand ?

WQ is below normal ilvl

Here’s why it’s called “gear progression” and not catch-up.

Of course we won’t be showered with heroic ilvl gear from open world content, that would completely mess with the early progress of nearly every content in the game

Raiders do. It allows you to upgrade specific pieces of gear with the effect you cherry picked as you clear the raid, form a set etc

That’s something unique to look forward to, which will be part of your BIS set and still reward you for clearing a raid even if you get no loot

Yes yes we heard you “I only care about M+ or PvP and everything else is trash”.

Raids have always been the main end game activity in WoW and receive the most resources from Blizz.

There are now new rewards and more content. This is objectively better now on nearly all aspects and there’s a part of the playerbase that wants more of it.

That’s the thing tho : the standard crap does not usually include nearly as much.

5.1 had no content beside scenarios iirc. 6.1 had a selfie camera. 7.1 had a mini raid and a mega dungeon. 8.1 had a 8 boss raid.

Now with WoD ilvl buff in PvP so that it’s still BIS no matter what happens.

You have a currency vendor with BIS gear and the easiest & fastest way to gear a character in the game and you’re here “trash PvP system”

Guess you’ll just QQ no matter what happens.

Why exactly are you complaining about a currency which makes most gear you’ll get your hands on relevant for this patch ?

Casuals get decent open world content with actual progression.

Torghast fans get more content and the rewards they have been asking for since release

M+ players get a mega dungeon with upgradable loot and new m+ affix

PvP players get the ilvl upgrade so that m+ & raids don’t mess with their gear progression

The maw is no longer required content for anyone

Old school fans will appreciate as usual the mega dungeon

Flying and BOA catch-up gear for alts

That’s an overall improvement imo

The last time we got a new dungeon (beside mega-dungeon as you focus on m+) in the first patch of an xpack should’ve been back in Cata, that you got no dungeons is not really a surprise. Still get to do the veiled market for gear tho, which is always something.

That’s also the whole point of seasonal affixes.

M+ got the upgraded drop rates and the Valor from 9.0.5

PvP gear should be BIS and PVE’ers won’t use it for quick source of loot like they did in 9.0

No matter which content you take part of you won’t be forced to grind the maw for sockets or conduits, which should be a very welcome thing isn’t it ?

Biggest issues in 9.0 were the covenants and gear drops. They won’t change their minds on the 1st and fixed the 2nd.

You won’t please everyone but my initial point still stands : 9.1 doesn’t lack content or at least no more than pretty much every previous patch in the game.

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you are what is wrong with the game most likely. You are chasing useless content while the general game is in a terrible state and that is not because it is “lacking” in content at all.
Raids are always the same, just different color.

As I said, for me it doesn’t matter if they add 1 raid or 50 raids in a patch. I do NOT care at all about the content they add if the general game is just complete and utter trash and full of time gated rubbish and grinds.

to each their own I guess.

uh cool 2 bosses more, guess Shadowlands is saved now.
Oh wait even if the raid was 50 bosses, the SL systems are still trash.

was that so? I remember lots of posts complaining about dungeon is too long, why no heroic version, why no split, muh too many leavers.
For me the dungeon was fine for running it once, after that it didn’t do much for me.

Sure why not just mail everyone mythic gear then? I mean logging in is a great feat of strength already. Clearly exaggerated
Point is you need to be very careful in what you hand out basically for free. It makes normal raids for example completely worthless and so everything under M10 as well. How is that good for the game?
Why would “casuals” (more like single player mode?) care about gear progression? You can kill everything in ilvl 100 gear already. Don’t mistake casuals with potato players. I am a casual player by any mean and barely have time atm to do anything meaningful but handing out free candies for logging in is killing the game.

For me the new freebie rewards you get in the maw are basically world quests.

sure thats great. Hope they funnel more resources into content that is so well received.

cool, you mean more of the forced soul crapperoni that is mandatory?

Cannot remember a single post that asked for more choreghast.
It is fine if you want to add more of this content, but not if you force people to do this trash.

like I said, even if it would only include another selfie cam but tons of changes to game mechanics, it would be a better patch for me.
Maybe not for you, but for me.
The gearing hamster wheel is not exactly what I enjoy about this game, it is different aspects.

just don’t talk if you don’t understand why the pvpers think this system is complete and utter garbage.
It has nothing to do with pvp gear being best in pvp (this we have already now).

sure thing, for most people this means - buy a boost. Considering less than 10% play above 1.8k, right? =)
understand? probably not.

you think it is a good system because when it was introduced you got a very high cap the first week. With new patch you are once again time gated as heck.
Do we need that? not really.

of course it is, they just renamed the zone that is now mandatory.

but the mega dungeon is not open for M+, isn’t it? So people do it once for the experience. Pushers will probably just demolish the dungeons in ez mode and cannot enjoy a harder version yet.
I take it back if it is released in m+ style immediately, but I think it isn’t.

so nothing changed in 9.1? My point exactly.

yes they absolutely will. The max gear is around heroic gear and will be once again used for “easier” boosted gear up and probably also for mythic progression.

pretty sure they introduced new weird sockets that where originally “raid only” but once you got the set bonus it activates outside as well or some stupid stuff like that. Influence M+ more than pvp if I am correct (minus the last 2 bosses, which also might influence pvp)

yes they make covenants even worse (more renown, more specific leggos) and gear drops don’t matter in m+ too much anyways except in the beginning. Valor won’t let you upgrade to max and you are still reliant on the rng weekly vault crap.
Nothing to be psyched about honestly.

But if you enjoy this, that is great, for you at least.
I am not happy about the “changes” they make and mostly will let my sub slide, which is also fine i guess.
So everyone should do and think what is best for them.

There seems to be some misconception about the 9.1 gearing here. The PvP gearing system in 9.1 is nothing like the system we have had in WoD. It merely makes the PvP gear better in PvP than the raid gear, and it makes it worse in PvE than the PvE gear, which makes it less valuable for the mythic raiders.

The 9.1 gearing system will still fail to properly address the main issues that plague PvP at the moment, which are the upgrade tiers based on rating and the conquest/honor cost of buying and upgrading the PvP gear. While at the start of the season this is not a noticeable issue, the further the season progresses the harder it is to progress and gear up for alts and new/returning players.

As statistics show, more than 50% of all PvP players have failed to reach 1400 rating this season, while roughly 10% have reached 1800 rating. This is due to several factors, of which most are directly influenced by the gearing system. It is unlikely that this will change in 9.1 because the general formula for PvP gearing will remain unchanged for PvP players.

On topic, Guild Wars 2 does indeed put far more effort into open world content than WoW does. The exploration is encouraged and rewarded in a fun and relaxing way, and the variety of events, meta events, world bosses and bounties, coupled with useful rewards, make sure that the zones are worth doing even long after their implementation.

I would very much like WoW to add that kind of innovative design to its zones, because right now most stuff in the open world feels pointless to do, either because it is not rewarding enough or because it is designed to be tedious instead of fun. Sometimes both.

This is of course just my personal opinion, and I respect that some will disagree. For me both WoW and Guild Wars 2 have their own charm, strengths and weaknesses, and thus are good to alternate between to get the best of both worlds!


I tried GW2, played it for a little while, but in the end, I couldn’t start another MMO all over again. I completed the world map in my first week (This was years ago, it’s much bigger now!) And I enjoyed every minute of it. There wasn’t a point where I was like “Oh, it’s one of these quests again.” Like I am in WoW. You know those quests I hate in WoW? Most of them. Not just the ones where you have to click on the little thing that runs around too fast to click on.

WoW hasn’t done anything innovative before, except releasing WoW. Blizzard have ridden that success to get where they are now.

The OP asked where all the money goes. Well, The Wax for Kotick’s horns isn’t cheap.

I want to love WoW, I want WoW to be good. I can’t see myself investing all this time into other games again, it’s painful to have to do that…
But I also can’t see WoW improving it’s design. So I’m at an impass now.