Playing GW2 these past few weeks has been eye opening

Noone has ever said that WoW is “Worth” paying that much for.

Ofc there are plenty of other games that are “Better” than WoW.

What I wouldn’t give for an mmo that had the open world of GW2, story of FFXIV, rpg elements of SWTOR, dungeons and raids of WoW and the pvp balance of chess. Stuff the dreams are made of.


I havent played GW2 for few years now, but I remember the combat system being better, events, dungeons, pvp and the community as well. Its not hard to find better systems, mechanics, fun and more content in general, if you compare wow to other games. Nostalgy is the main and probably only thing ppl come back to this overpriced crap in maintenance mode.
Ppl say it is impossible to do this and that and thats the reason wow doesnt have it, but every patch/expansion obviously received less and less effort from blizzard and use cheap and fake mechanics and advertising to get the presales going. The zones in SL are probably the biggest offender in this. They are made with only 1 purpose, to waste your time.


I remember, in vanilla, like many others, I had a ton of fun exploring the world.
Then flying became a thing, and in a very short amount of time exploration stopped being a thing in wow.

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this is because they’ve been hell bent on restricting flying, and the only way to make the world sort of bearable without flying is to shrink it further and further.

Most open world RPG’s have some sort of fast travel option available. Either teleportation spells, fast flying vehicles or flat out click on map to travel there instantly. This way they can get away with 50 square mile map and still maintain fun gameplay loop. Nobody would like to go from Bravil to Bruma on foot in Oblivion. Heck, not even on the mount. It would take at least 15 minutes to cover this distance on foot, even on a fast character.

Once you unlock flying you’ll see how small Revendreth is.

And it’s just not fun. This shrinking design means increasing mob density. Some areas are so packed with mobs that it’s nearly impossible to escape once you’re dazed, dismounted and jumped on by 20 mobs at once. There is nowhere to run, by trying to escape you just pull more. Especially world bosses are in such areas (and those mobs have 100k health each, sorry, I’m not going to fight through that)


Not only does flying’s mere existence in the future kill exploration, it kills all incentive to have more interesting methods of transportation. I really think GW2 has the open world right, including how different mounts have different abilities that allow access to different parts of the world. This is so good! Now… why bother doing any of that when in a few months, players will be able to b-line straight to any point of the map? :frowning:

And it’s not like we need flying to have huge, expansive maps. The entire Shadowlands is about as big as the Barrens. And the Barrens was fine. It’s easily one of Vanilla’s most memorable zones. Everyone has a Barrens story, everyone knows The Barrens Chat. We can have huge, sprawling zones without flying.

I’m pretty sure BDO doesn’t have flying or teleportation. Its world is absolutely huge and you have to go everywhere yourself. You need to discover paths and unmarked shortcuts in order to cut your travel time. This made the world have presence. I haven’t played that game in around 3 years I think, and I still remember the specific roads I took.

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Ground mounts are fun until you have done everything there is to do on a zone once. After that it’s a huge time waster. Can’t wait for flying in 9.1


BDO has flying, somehow… If you play Lahn, you can basically jump really very very far and glide. It’s not exactly flying as it won’t allow you to gain altitude after your initial jump (and the initial jump isn’t a rocket launch either), and it makes, in fact, exploration even more interesting, because your movements have constraints, even if you are capable of such a feat.
And yes, after a while you know that you can jump here because it’s a route you usually take, or you know when it is worth to attempt a jump or not, depending on the length, and the difference in elevation. It makes you think and take decisions.

It’s very different from wow where your decision is limited to mounting your flying mount and traveling from A to B in a straight line while watching 9gag.

Why bother doing any of that when the zones will be 100% obsolete in few months, you mean ? Good question.

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ArcheAge has gliders and they have their own progression, different gliders having different skills - some glide faster, but others can boost themselves and give you a bit more elevation mid flight. You cannot really fly in that game, you’re always gliding down, but due to the fact that gliders have gameplay, they have controls, it still makes you pay attention to your launch point, as well as the path you take while gliding.

That’s why I say flying needs to be completely removed - not to keep us grounded. But to make more engaging gameplay worthwhile. WoW has gliders too, but why would anyone ever use them.

I doubt they’ll remove flying. There are too many winged mounts, or more generally mounts that look like they are capable of flying. And mount collecting is a real thing in wow.

Maybe they can add gameplay to the flying experience, but how to justify that your dragon can only fly down or glide ? So what kind of gameplay they could add, really ?

To me, flying in wow just look like to be one of the mistakes they made and now have to live with it. They probably don’t care that much though. There’s not a lot of actual gameplay happening in the out world, beside questing I mean. World PvP is not really a thing anymore, unless you want to call farming the world pvp objectives world pvp, but a group of 5+ farming lonely players is not really what I’d call gameplay. Looks more like griefing to me. And large scale pvp just breaks the game with lag…

Now, in the outside world, there’s no group quests similar to those we have and had in GW2 or Warhammer. And pretty much everything of importance is locked behind an instance portal, where flying is disabled… But where exploration is also mostly disabled, because the level designs of dungeons/raids are most of the time very controlled : “you won’t do anything the devs did not expect you to do” (that would be cheating, you know ?)…

So, yea. This is wow.


Okay, hear me out:

Every other MMO doesn’t have unlimited flying.
WoW has unlimited flying.
WoW’s forum audience seems to hate the game and thinks every other MMO is better…

Coincidence? I think not. We have empirical facts saying flying is ruining the game xD


Not completely sure if you’re joking or are dead serious here, but…

You can’t have anything interesting happening in an area where you can skip all the content, click on the one thing that makes the objective complete, and skip everything again to safety.

It’s like taking the eagles to mordor.


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They tried during WoD, and the backlash was such that they had to bring it back, but then added Pathfinder to delay it every expansion. I can say it doesn’t bother me not to fly in every other MMO I’ve played, and it didn’t used to bother me in WoW either. However, the zone design in WoW is getting more convoluted, and travelling is not a pleasant experience anymore.


If only we could remember back 14 years ago when all people complained about was how long it took to travel the world.

It’s like people who say something like corpse runs in Everquest were rewarding. No, they were crap.

To me, the next expansion should be a return to azeroth in order to breathe life into the ‘main’ world.

The problem is that they’re removing flying without adding anything fun in return.

GW2 maps would be hell on Earth if mounts were just flat speed increase devices with nothing else on them. But some leap forward, some leap high in the sky, some glide over water, lava and quicksand.
You have trampoline mushrooms scattered in the jungle, sand portals in the desert, things that make traveling interactive rather than just “I press the auto-run button and wait to reach my destination so I can start having fun”. GW2 makes the traveling process fun, WoW either makes it bland (flying) or colossally irritating (take flying away+design awful maps with lots of cliffs and massive walls like Revendreth).


Corpse runs aren’t fun. But do you know why? They’re long and there’s nothing to them. You’re just walking to your corpse. That’s not a fault of the world, because while being alive, this huge world was fun. Yes, it took time to travel, but that time wasn’t passive. It was active - you had to learn the way of the land, you had to navigate through dangers, enemies, walk around enemy camps, watch out for enemy players. So it was fun navigation. None of that exists in corpse runs.

Adding flying to the old world coincides with WoW’s decline in popularity and subs. There is a strict correlation between how good we think the game is and flying everywhere. I think flying in general results in players having lower level of engagement with the game - you no longer have to get invested in that world as much in order to navigate it efficiently. And this is a problem.

I think if flying is to exist, it should be more than just going from A to B. I think Mechagon kinda got flying right. The world should adapt to everyone being able to fly everywhere. It is unbelievable that the Alliance, having flying mounts and flying soldiers, still allows The Horde to just… fly over Stormwind. That shouldn’t be a thing.

And when the same level of navigation and danger is applied to flying, only then can it be fun. Right now, flying is as fun as a corpse run.


You are right.

We need more Open World content with interesting story and long-lasting questlines.
We need a better crafting system.
We need more things (not only mounts, titles, pets) which are worth playing for, that means a strategy that not everything is worthless with the next patch or Addon.
We need Housing like in TESO or SWTOR.
We need a Companion System like in SWTOR or next in TESO.
We need much less eSport and Diablo-elements like M+, Ladders, Ranking etc.


I agree in part but there was a reason that it got removed, because the playerbase demanded.

It’s why I believe a return to azeroth expansion would be ideal, the lands are there, they require work and building them up would be brilliant.

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hmm, having to use gliding to get to a specific area and going high in the sky and deep underground sounds incredibly irritating and a bit mario brothers, to me.

Man, I tried GW2 as soon as it came out. I was excited about it, I played it non-stop for a few days, and then I realized… I just don’t like it. Sure, it’s pretty, it has some nice ideas in it, but all in all, I just don’t like it. Not my kind of game. So… :woman_shrugging: