I am looking for a bit of advice - I’m currently thinking about playing a Nightborne character and I’d like them to be old. Elven characters often get away with being 200 years without raising eyebrows but with the Nightborne you get characters who can be five to ten thousand years old without raising eyebrows and that really intrigues me.
That said I’ve never played a character that old before so some advice would be nice.
Particularly, how is it best to handle the 10k years of Suramar Bubble? I thought of writing out key events in his life and having a full story-before-the-story there, but I don’t know if there are any specific events to be aware of or whether more experienced Nightborne RPers treat that period of history as a bit of a free-for-all for character stories (in reason, obviously - I can’t imagine I’ll be having him talk to Elisande much).
On a similar note it would be great if anyone had sources on Shalassian culture and attitudes before the bubble burst. Did they ever travel? Did they keep slaves or did that practice die out after the ancient empire? Are they cool with Elune or more agnostic, and when did that shift happen? I’m struggling to find much on wowpedia and the like.
Why not?
Think about 10,000 years in such a small space imagine your current city in a similar state where you all live for 10k years but you cannot leave the city limits, i can imagine after that long you will know most people quite well even a simple smith probally would know the leader and have conversations with them in the past.
A challenge with rping super old characters is that they are almost infintely more clever, knowledgable and wise than anyone can ever rp them. Even a person that is 40 years older than you, carries a lot more expierences than you. So it is definently a challenge to get the right feel. But defnitely doable.
From what I know there’s not much story during the 10,000 year bubble bath party other than “all was good, shut up and don’t question it.”
From what I know about their culture before the party got busted. No, they didn’t travel at all. They were 100% sure the world on the outside was completely destroyed, so they got a hell of a rude awakening when they realized it wasn’t.
As for slaves, I’m pretty sure that fell out of practice a LONG time ago, hard to keep slaves in your bubble with you for generations without them either dying out or having an uprising, or both…
I’d guess Elune is still favored (though not nearly as much in normal Night Elven culture), as there were some small preacher alters and the likes every now and then around suramar. Unless they’re actually worshipping Chris Metzan and I’m just crazy.
This is just my two cents.
If you ask me? Younger and less experienced elves are far more interesting as characters to me, because somebody who’s 100 years old IRL is pretty stuck in their ways… let alone 10,000. A good character IMO needs an arc, needs a story, needs to learn, etc. And if you’re old as time itself you pretty much did all that already. Also because 90% of elves I see are older than 1000 I think it’s slightly refreshing to see a youngin’. Unless you’re aiming to be a supporting kinda character who helps young ones… then forget what I just said.
But if you are confident in your abilities to RP an OLD elf I say go for it! It just takes a good amount of skill. (Which I don’t have seeing Nendrovus is literally 23 ICly)