Playing vs DISC as a hpal feels like a poke in the eye

Everything I bring to the table gets insta purged/mass dispelled. They are indestructible, when tunneled so many instant casts that do stuff apart from holy shock and wog that heal 10% hp at best. And to top of the last arena where he matched my healing 18 mil and did 5 mil dmg on top of it. Blizzard???

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disc is carried by rogue/mage or feral/mage. Spec itself doesnt do much, just happens to be good with these classes

Disc is self carried in solo shuffle. A healer cant do 5 mil dmg while healing exact same or even more than me

just 2 bad healer specs fighting eachother

disc has 0 chance vs literally everything else than hpal

unless its ultra potato mmr where all buttons are pressed in first 10 seconds and somebody dies before 30 second marker

disc is good for those panic potato games

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Yeah my Disc actually works where lobbys dont have damage or someone dots me so i can use catharsis, if player find all there damage button kick and cc normal mostly 3 wins is all i can hope for

Basicly bad player enable Disc too work
Play with people that pump and micro cc the priest on cast and gg EZ

have you tried resto druid into pres evoker?

It’s 0-6 everytime

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while hpal and disc are both kinda bad id say hpal is better in shuffle do to the fact that most of hpals cooldown are not effected by ms effects and mortal strike.And going oom if also not so bad in shuffle cause matches are like 2 minutes maximum.Only thing is hpal dies quite easily.

Just happens to be good with these classes for 15 years now. Coincidence.


Thats true, its best class to play with randoms, because it have some degree of carry. And its toolkit is capable to turn very bad players into illusionary good players.
For example guy who just do 123, 123 ,123, with any other healer gonna automaticy lose but with priest he still have chance to see wining screen.

even then hpal /holy priest/fw is a better option, disc have not enough hps to keep feral allive for a long time.

disc is a meme spec in 3v3 works most likely only with Rogue/Mage

You’re supposed to use your CC advantage to shut the disco down

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Low mmr ppl let them free whole round, same as they let caster mw free even tho both would be punished alot from disrupting them.

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