Playing warrior in pvp with a healer now feels like godmode

Not gonna lie. When you get a pocket healer in bg’s, a warrior feel like a gladiator for sure! Ms to be able to kill others but others cant kill you. Feels great!

Yeah as a Mage i much prefer dealing with OP Warriors in pvp rather
than the 2 button class griefing mara portal and dotting mounters. SP got nerfed the hardest by this change lol.

Edit: After playing more Priest is still really strong. Not because of their dot damage. But because of how many pets they have which still do a good amount of damage and do alot of pushback.

It should be like this, warrior with personal heal should be monster - if you want to kill him, you have to CC healer first :ok_hand:

Wouldn’t say Godmode but they definetely are one of the best fitting classes for this meta and rightfully so given all the support they need to properly shine compared to other classes.