Plea from Turkish Community

At least use a different nicknamed alt if you gonna bait mate lol


Then move? I make 9k eur a month and work 3 days a week… Get a proper education, live elsewhere if your country doesn’t offer it. Why do you think so many Indian people are attending western Universities?!

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Really depends on job and country :slight_smile: I can only dream of a 40h/week :slight_smile:

Yes but you can’t blame the average Greek for that. Most WoW players are probably in their mid 20s so by the time they started working the economy was already broken

Basically this, thanks a lot!

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I also moved to make more money but that’s not the universal solution. Some people want to remain nearby their friends & family and still have the chance for a good life.

There are places in this world where no amount of education will enable for a good life because the economy is broken.

World’s resources are limited. Everything we have means someone else won’t have it.


I blame their politicians for the mess in (economic) policies, not the citizens.

But it’s fun to come with anecdotes on how unfair it is that somebody in Greece earns less doing the same job than somebody in another country but not including how much citizens from other countries contribute to supporting the Greek economy amongst others.

Blame your government for that. Not Blizzard or other countries.

You’re a politician?


More likely a software consultant.


Sure do that, but that doesn’t mean the average Greek can’t say “hey I can’t afford this, can we maybe make it cheaper?”

It is unfair though. Why is your time or my time worth more than a Greek or Turkish person’s time?

There’s a difference between blaming and asking for discounts really


i’m glad to see many fellow big brains sharing their incredible insight on how to best tackle finance and life choices. i know how painful it can be when people conspire to keep you from telling things like it is but don’t give up

Are you some kind of raging, tinfoil hat wearing biggot and racist? I’m not trying to insult you, I’m genuinely wondering.

They don’t work that often.


:joy: :rofl:

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In fact in Bulgaria that’s exactly the parliament’s work time. Wednesday, Saturday And Friday. Except some of them go to work just once for the whole mandate.


Last time I checked Greece is considered a developed country, which would be reason enough not to decrease subscription prices.

Is it my country’s fault that your country decides to mess up (economic) policies and deems buying Submarines and other military arsenal more important than economic stability and growth? :slight_smile:

Once again, blame your government.

You could argue that those that involuntarily pay a certain amount of their income for the development of other countries should get a discount first. So basically I involuntarily contribute an x amount of my income and also have to pay x amount more for services than you do?

Seems kind of unfair to me.

“mOvE tO aNoThEr cOuNtRy, tHeRe iS a PoRtAl iN yOuR cApiTaL to UsA, tRuMp aNd iVaNkA wİlL bE wAiTiNg fOr yOu oN the oThEr sIdE wItH oPeN aRmS”

I like such realist and clever suggestions :smile_cat:


So what have we learnt from this thread?

Having the simple want to play a game at a possibly cheaper cost is a heinous concept that encourages bias. Gaming, despite a history of 40 years, is the recluse of the “elite” who can afford some luxuries (any sort of recreation is a luxury in this day of consumerism and capitalist competition!). People from “small” countries are simply not allowed to voice their distress at the pricing which is inflated because of political reasons (inflation and exchange rates). Blizzard-Activision is an evil corporate conglomerate that thinks with their money-addled brain so much that they could never consider investing slightly more in a “small” country (funny thing when Activision is infamous for buying up indie companies and “ruining” them).

I think today has been very productive. :sun_with_face:


I live in Switzerland, I think we’re doing fine really.
Is it the average Greek’s fault that their government messed up? No. I don’t think the average Greek person wanted those Submarines.

You aren’t worth more than others only because life RNG made you spawn in a rich place.

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And WoW is the ONLY entertainment choice for these “small” countries?
Its like saying, I can’t afford that brand X meat cause its too expensive so I can’t afford food in general.


I think the post in the WoW forums would relate to WoW, no?