Plea from Turkish Community

What is more funny is that token price is more stable than turkish lira.


It really is but I don’t pity anyone. They deserve to feel desperation and poverty.

My first response was based on this:

We are currently paying more (even way more) than some countries when we compare the “perceived value” of one month subscription vs the value of that money

And perceived value is different for everyone.

Once again, i explained how it worked.

So either if you play 40 hours or 160 hours doesnt matter in this whole argument.
Both will put “equal value” on said times and the price they paid.

Playing more and paying the same doesnt mean that the guy playing more hours gets as much value as he likes. (And opposite aswell, maybe the 40 hour guy plays 40 hours, but thinks the value is at 50 hours a month. But he cant do that due to restrictions. Hence the whole “perceived value” discussion)

Hence my part about perceived value.
But you seem to miss the point of that part so you can keep argueing.

But i keep writing the same stuff, and you keep coming back with the same stupid example.

How’s that even relevant? This has been explained multiple times through the thread.
We don’t expect Blizzard to do nothing but to check if they can make more money.

I’m not arguing anything, I’m asking a question.

You however seem to want an argument as demonstrated by your abysmal failure to answer it.

And yes, it’s a stupid example, but it’s your example that I paraphrased because you don’t appear to be capable of understanding the question.

I don’t understand you 2 furries, you are arguing upon a non existent concept-problem :smile_cat:

Perceived value huh :smirk: Yea there is such a thing. In 2005 internet wasn’t so widespread so we used to go internet cafes and pay for a limited timeframe to play games. We had to use our time effectively and enjoy every single moment and minute of it let’s say 30 minutes or an hour. That limited time had much more value compared to the unlimited gaming experience that we had later on.

Have to be a furry to understand other furries.

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I don’t regard asking a question as arguing. If the other poster feels that they’re too high and mighty to answer then that’s up to them.
I hope they don’t hurt themselves too much when they fall off that high horse they’re on.

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I fully understand what the word means, however I don’t see you using that word in the statement I was asking the question about.

You should try using all the words you intended then there wouldn’t be a need to ask questions for clarification.

Hence i said to read all the posts made in this topic, by me and the topic starter.

Since my reply about perceived value is completely overlooked and you simply went for the: 40 hours vs 160 hours is more value for X.

So, read this post:

But i guess, that doesnt suit your ‘‘silly’’ question to read all posts made, and to which i refered too multiple times.

And your question got answered aswell,

Your question: Have you got that the right way around ?

Surely a player getting 160 hours of play out of a months sub is getting more value that someone that only gets 40 hours.

My answer:

Got answered in all of my replies.
But, because you fail to find it, ill post it once again:

You cant decide for anyone what holds more value.
A photograph of a loved one can mean the world to someone, and you dont give it any value.

Same goes for the hours played thing you mention.

A person playing 40 hours a week might value that as much as the guy playing 160 hours or even value it higher than the 160 hours dude.

And you can do the math over and over, but you cant argue with the rational why people value x or y differently.
And the value thing was brought up by the topic starter to ‘‘showcase’’ that they deserve a discount because their ‘‘perceived’’ value is somehow lower because the game costs them more.

But sure, keep on bickering and quoting the things you like to quote.
All my answers have been in my replies ever since you started so good luck with reading.

All that waffle when all you needed to do was admit you left a word out and you mean ‘perceived value’ instead of ‘value’.

You made a mistake but aren’t big enough or grown up enough to admit it and try to cover it up with reams of verbage.

Perceived value = subjective.
value = objective

They are not interchangeable and replacing one with the other actually means your comment makes sense.

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You just cant read, its all clear to me now.

Read the replies again, and you will see its mentioned multiple times.

Not really sure how much more you need.
Its also common practice to explain the topic you mentioned in the same post (i.e. the perceived value thing) and yes i used value on its own there.

But since everyone who knows how to read did read it as: explanation around the perceived value argument, it was all clear.

Nothing to admit or cover up, every individual did understand my post just fine,
You just are of an age that you want to kick and scream about just anything.

Yes, you mention ‘perceived value’ a lot so I assumed when you then mentioned ‘value’ on it’s own that you meant value and not perceived value.

You see, my literal perception of what you wrote was different than what you perceived everyone would understand.

I asked a simple question which needed a simple answer, except you chose to make a major drama out of it.

Hi Bagdawg, what’s up? Sorry to hear about your health situation. I traced back to this message because the back and forth before is really entangled.

Let me address your comment the way I see it and to be honest with you, I think this is pretty obvious :slight_smile:

For most products and services, pricing within a country doesn’t change per person.
For many products and services, pricing between countries change.
For even a bigger portion of digital services, likewise, pricing between countries change.

So, irrelevant of

  • one of us thinking it’s not viable
  • one of us thinking people in various income situations should be considered same
  • one of us being very convinced that it doesn’t make business sense
  • one of us making snide remarks

It’s already happening as it is.

Maybe one day WoW will have different pricing for people in different situations. Maybe one day there will be strict rules that services have a singular, fixed price across the globe.

But that day, is not today.

So I’ll think about what you said, but that doesn’t change anything regarding neither our situation, nor yours.

You chose to stir up the drama over the topic.
Because all you did for 15 posts or so is hammer on about 1 word and saying they arent interchangeable. (And thats the only part you are right.)

While everyone was fully aware that when i just used value, they linked it back to the perceived value reply / argument.

But you are so bored you had to make a drama about it.
You will have a great life if you keep nitpicking on such small things as this.

Get over it will you. You don’t appear to have the intelligence to recognise a simple question, instead you created an argument.

Where did I argue with you ?

Where did I agree or disagree with what you said ?

Everyone wasn’t aware, because I’m part if everyone and I saw something I didn’t understand so I asked a question. a simple question that had a simple answer, instead you chose to manufacture some imaginary argument out of it because you arrogantly believe that everyone has the same perception of thing that you have, well they don’t and making demeaning comments and veiled insults because someone sees thing differently is wrong.

You question was very simple and straightforward.
Which got answered because i told you: that i meant perceived value and thats it.

Not sure how much more answers you want.

Yet you keep on going and going about the fact i didnt answer your question but it literally is in my replies everytime.

i simply gave an example of the perceived value argument and how people might base their perceived value on either playtime or maybe other factors.
I never said or claimed that was my own opinion or the ‘‘truth’’
Yet, you feel attacked or whatever by my example or keep on hammering on this one question you had.

Which got answered.

So learn to read and move on. Thanks.

I would redo your post tbh:

And in the same reply you write this amazing sentence:

I mean, who is making demeaning comments now?

Me while watching squabbling of furries