Warmode is a total mess. You have Alliance who want to PVP turning it off due to the huge imbalance, then you have Horde who don’t PVP turning it on for the “free stuff”.
You also have stupid situations such as Alliance heavy RP servers (in own shard) getting the extra rewards over the horde in those shards/servers. Then you have stuff like some Horde players with warmode on going hours without seeing and single Alliance player only for that alliance player to flight whistle before you catch up.
Warmode is a clear failure. But the solution is so simple.
DROP THE REWARDS (Seriously, you ether want pvp or you don’t, rewards are not needed)
Add Mercenary Mode (Instead of faction war its more of a team war, You get put on the side needing players.)
I totally get this will kill the whole Alliance Vs Horde fantasy, But i cannot see any other way of creating perfect balance outside of locking huge numbers of players out of PVP till a spot becomes ready.