Please, add more cosmetic glyphs

With the arrival of TWW and hero specializations (that I thought would be more about aesthetics than gameplay, but whatever), I would love for Blizzard to add more customisations for classes with glyphs.

For example:

  • Paladin & Priest could choose a sunny yellow (Sunwalkers) or silver white (Priestess of Elune) color for their spells.
  • Monks could choose a more forest green (> nature) or something else for their spells (right now monks are very tied to Pandaria and pandarens, I wish we could customize more to play a “martial artist” instead of a “monk from Pandarie only”).
  • Monk & spell caster could have a glyph to make their weapon disappear.

& etc. Honestly, just to be allowed to change spells colors would be a massive progress for RP customization.

Also, I guess altering the colors could be an issue in PvP but all glyphs could be easily disabled in war mod, no?


Can we make it better

Have a glyph tab like we have for tansmog / enchants

Would bring in more gold for inscriptors. Allow me to buy them all up and choose how I want them on any given day.


Would love this!
If they arent going to do Hero Talents properly then at least give us more glyphs to create subclasses.

My other idea for this would be to add 2 new trinket slots with DPS/utility/heal abilities disabled so you are only left with any visual effects.
There are so many very cool trinkets in game that you never get to use after a certain point.


All classes and roles should have a hide/display sheathed weapons option.


I thought they went back to one use exactly to avoid people buying them only once and forever?

This way you are forced to buy them over and over again.

Not saying it’s ideal… I liked it better the other way. But I believe this was their reasoning.