Please add refund button next to blood tree

Great job blizz with death strike and blood shield…
I would like to refund all my money for tww expansion.


Handing out free pacifiers

come from class that even got buffed :roll_eyes:

yeah. after this tank changes i’ll try refund the war within. blizzard literally killed bdks. i dont want to play this game anymore. could i refund the war within ?


They slow down the damage … or that what they says, the spike damage are still the same but it’s impossible to heal now. They could at least buff will of the necropolis to smooth damage intake …

  • Blizzard literally killed Bdks
  • Never even played the new expansion with the changes

Sit down for 5 seconds, and listen to yourselves.

What this even mean? Do we judge people’s comments based on what class the player posts on. Mr level 30 undead warrior. Why are you so concerned about DKs… mr level 30 warrior? See, I can do it too.

Ofc they killed bdk… you tried playing bdk before? Yiu know how class works? It seems like not

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You played bdk with the changes? Seems like not.

My question is do this death strike change affects unholy and frost?
If so its horible then

Played on beta. Tell me why its good changes? Because for every perwon whi plays bdk they know its very bad nerf…

You’re trying to compare to something that doesn’t exist.

I’m not saying don’t be mad, but c’mon. Look at your thread. Lol. You unsubbing because of a change you haven’t even seen or play tested yet. How old are you? 12? I’m not trying to be insulting, but I couldn’t help laugh.

I play DK on retail btw. I’m fully aware of the importance of DS for survivability, for all 3 specs, if we’re also talking about PvP.

If BDK is truly trash because of these changes, we will get some sort of compensation, and hopefully it’ll be something that might even push us ahead of other tanks. You really don’t know with Blizzard.

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For those who are worried: No, BDK isnt useless. It is just a bit worse, and QoL did take a severe trashing. Going from retail, or previous to this beta build, BDK went from fun - to, clunky and a tad bothersome to deal with.

The stated goal is to make healers more important, BDK as was, clealry did not fit that narrative. As such now BDK will slowly get ground away and not being able to stay alive solo.

As long healers don’t get too annoyed spamming heals into the tankspec it will all be solved gameplay and popularity wise. Just know that so far on beta I had many comments on how spiky and random BDK feels to top. As while we don’t heal 1% to 100% over and over anymore (scaring the healers of old that didnt trust the BDK to just handle it themselves). We still want to build up as much value we can between Death Strikes. Only now we get more punished if we don’t preplan for spikes. As DS shows no forgiveness. What feels especially bad is that if the healer heals us, it was all for nought. Speaking of the healer…

Now the healer got to watch our RP, AND manage our new DS stack to predict how much we are going to heal after a spike. Outside of CDs, you can think of it is aprox 80% of our at the time HP taken value. My biggest DS in a 12 was 7 million, out of my 10 mill HP. See, it is not all doom and gloom. It is just trash compared to what it was. That will take time to get used to.

Staggering damage into chunks is a lot more important than before, as the new Death Strike is far less forgiving. Keep this in mind.

Problem being that while before you simply regained the value taken over those 5 sec (and you could double tap into it, VS lower damage increments). Current, this is not the case, you spend the value saved up when you Death Strike (if it heals you or not), so after you Death Strike you want to delay your next Death Strike to as high effective value as possible - as you going to be made or break on healing modifiers to give it a decent healback. Failing to do so, punishes you even more than the old BDK playstyle (where you really didnt want to back to back DS either).

This is only a problem because of this: Death Strike wants to be pressed far more often than the heavy damage spike increments hits. Due to how RP works and how important it is for your damage in a fight. When you need to play minmax of this (up to) 5 sec gathering of stacks - it feels annoying to deal with fast. As you got to wait for the next damage instance spike before you Death Strike, or risk - going Deathstrike (spend the value), get struck, and only get a partial ineffective DS heal on the followup. Remember this: If you are at max health when you deathstrike to dump RP, you wasted all the saved up healing done you now “prepared”.

Basically, gameplay loop for BDK becomes quite like this: You try to snipe your own damage spike, before the healer pumps healing into you. As you only heal up to a portion of your max health, not full - the healer will be pumping to make sure to have you set for your next DS. As such, either yours or their healing becomes a lot of overhealing. Still, it is necessary to keep the BDK flow going.

To a certain degree, it is easier if you don’t think about your selfsustain at all. Just try to pump damage and smoothen the worst of the spikes. While your healer now just spams healing buttons on you (boring af gameplay)

The greatest sin is that BDK no longer is about their own gameplay. I am not saying there isn’t going to be bad and better players and plays within BDK. You still manage your CDs and press buttons. What I am saying is that your life is no longer in your hands. There is no immortality minmax to push for. Even in 12s (highest I cared to PuG so far on beta) mobs don’t do enough effective damage for you to 1% to 100% per deathstrike rotation. You go 10 to 60-80%, then the healer must build you back up. During CDs you can stabilise thanks to DR values - but know that you will die given time with nothing you can do (or can you? spoiler it is the next bit).

If you really want to as least annoying as possible for your healer: Pop all CDs in quick sucession, pumping damage, then as they rotate out - you kite. You don’t try to Death Strike to “mitigate” the damage. As you will get torn down without healerspam.

BDK will likely still be quite decent in a raid scenario. Probably in m+ content it is geared to handle as well. Yet, BDK simply lost its fun factor and uniqueness. It is a worse warrior - as warrior at least is consistent with its healthbar and doesn’t cause as much stress for the healer. Both tanks now work the same way - they both mitigate damage to get stabilised by the healer. Only that warrior is just a lot better at just that idea.

If your fantasy was old BDK, the “solo-player” tank experience with high-risk high-reward gameplay, that is dead. This class is no longer for you.

If you simply want a decent tank that looks good on HPS meters, BDK is still there for you (just ignore that ehpsVdtps is a lot better for the other tanks)


step on a lego

Blood Dk is not killed tbh its one of the strongest tanks still. Really u guys didnt play with it and u judge haha

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Rather, they don’t know how to play with it.

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its not about knowing how to play it, it is refusing to accept the same design that is contrafun and contra smoothness, the intense reliance on making death and decay a core skill with so many things tied to it, ESPECILLAY for blood, even the blood plague spec that they further improved now with consumption is not fun to engage with, you dont see the impact it does, compared to for example prot warrior bleeds and damage that you actually SEE the effect of.

as of now more than half of bloods spec…75% or so in total is hgeavily focused on blood plague and death and decay, and it is extremely boring to engage with, same with the clunky bone shield mechanic, unless you have crafted weakauras and addons (that us normal gamers does not bother with, but the devs design around anyway) that tell you when bone shield is supposed to fall of by DURATION, not loss of bones it’s impossible to see the epileptic spasms of all the buffs you give yourself and somehow spotting boneshields duration among them, and if you dont you drop the 9 boneshield buff because A, you are off tanking, and dont renew them naturally because they dont fall off because toy are not recieving auto attack hits… or B, the boss is a caster, and rarely hits you, further diminishing the rest of our kit we engage with that is not death n decay and blood plague’s extremely weak damage.

PROT warriors dots do more damage and the same healing than our blood plague, and they can get 3 different ones for respectable damage too. And do not come here and prevent the case that the N1 damageability in fights is blood plagye OVERALL, since its “hidden” damage, that does not do something really impactful.Example being when i did a battleground back in Legion or BFA, i dont remember, i spammed epidemic on the enemy team, spreading the damage. this was when it coudl erupt to “double tick” aswell.

None took any visible damage at all, even when no healer nearby, yet i was N1 on damage in the entire BG. think about that, i practually did no impact, but the stats tell me that i was a damage monster, yet no one truly died, and no TRUE damage was done.

How this gameplay loop has degenerated since legion is beyond me, and i blame the acherus discord and stupid NA shotcalleds that the devs listen too.


it should also be noted that NO changes were done to the Prot warrior tree come TWW changes. tells alot, while we got a fair few new things in Blood, some good ideas, but they’re all sidegrades and tertiary things that cannot be focused or built around, because you need to go Death n decay and blood plague. so fun.

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I accept your response. Well, I am personally very optimistic about changes.

  1. Death Strike change is no-impact because optimal play remained the same, they just made core rotational mistakes, e.g. improper blood-weaving, more punishing
  2. I personally like DnD play as for me it is tool of “drawing” in the game environment for my party or raid members and I can plan my play using DnD as highlight function in Word document.
  3. Blood plague seemed to be really big banger after the changes, maybe just my feeling - so again this makes Coagulopathy upkeep more intense, but this is something which was supposed to be min maxed even before. I don’t mind about Blood Plague gameplay, actually when the setup is done right you can turbocharge your pulling.

What an intelligent response. Woof.

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