Please add warglaives transmog and make it so you can transmog daggers to swords / maces / axes

would be amazing to see this change

I would like to see many improvements for WoW Classic since there is no reason to have WoW Classic to be exact same as back then anymore.
#nochanges made sense during Classic Era launch, but not that much anymore in further expansions. Especially since SoD which added modern WoW class abilities to Classic Era.

While Rogue class can wield all of those weapon types, it does not make any sense to transmog dagger which is pierce type weapon to mace which is blunt type.

I would however actually like to see changes that are closer towards classic “rules” of RPG games like elemental affinity, where bosses of fire element for example, are resistant to fire but take increased damage from frost spells. This would be really hard to balance though.

glaives are ugly anyways, so noone rly cares about them

What I don’t understand though is why you can’t mog thrown weapon.

it all does the same things these days, its not like previous expansions where different weapon types done different things like maces stun etc

Well… and that’s what I’m talking about. I don’t agree to removal of game-play elements that make the difference between weapon types.

One thing still apply in Classic, and that is significantly faster attack speed for daggers.
Being able to mog them into longsword or big heavy maces, and swing them in same speed as daggers, makes the animation look weird.
It’s already quite absurd even with slow attack speed weapons when combat rogue stack all the haste buffs.

I believe on retail no one besides DH still can mog those… so i think if it’s gonna happen - it’ll happen on retail first, and if not - then wait for legion classic i guess

they have made changes in classic tho

maybe this could be a small one to make