Please add/change PvP talents for Fire

Please remove Glass Cannon from the game, it makes Fire DPS on par with other classes and we just get a health penalty as well (especially in this zugzug meta…)
Just buff those 3 spells it affects in PvP and remove this talent altogether.
REMEMBER SAVAGE ROAR BLIZZARD… this is the same potato logic

Greater Pyroblast - Reduce CD to 5-10 seconds, reduce cast to 3 seconds and increase the travel speed of the projectile by a lot (make it like an actual Pyroblast)… it’s already a long cast time for people to react… no need to give them another century as well. It will also reduce potentials of the one-shot combo cheese since you can’t time the burst anymore.

Flamecannon is also useless in RSS or Arenas in general. Buff it’s duration to 5 seconds instead of 3 since as soon as we’re engaged by a melee we lose this buff… OR reduce it to 10 yards as well (and 4 seconds). Also give it an additional effect - If Hot Streak is dispelled, every non-crit spell also contributes to Hot Streak for 5 seconds.

Remove Etheral Blink… no one ever uses this, it’s too weak for a PvP talent.

Improves Mass Invisibility — Rename it and add something for Mass Barrier since they share a node.

World in Flames - Very situational and weird… why not just have that 200% damage increase (or 150%) without the center gimmick?

We always have this weird variables… I played a lot of specs and Fire Mage is the only weird one with PvP talents it’s funny. You get some nice damage outside combustion, but you have 200k less HP than everyone else… you get stacking damage and range but only if no one is near you… you get increased damage with your AoE ability… but only at the center of the AoE… What???

Master Shepherd, Ring of Fire and Ice Wall are ok. They aren’t used often (except RoF) but they can be situational. Especially Ice Wall in BGs.

Add more PvP talents that are actually worthwhile.

Perhaps a talent for Meteor to have it fall faster and deal increased damage. Maybe convert it to a cast spell that falls instantly (or something) with increased effect that instantly gives hot-streak? (Like Full Moon, just a bit faster since it doesn’t hit as hard)

Or a talent to have Hyperthermia more reliable, for example have it proc on every 6th or 7th Hot Streak outside Combustion instead of being RNG.

If anyone has any more ideas, feel free to share.

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