Please allow to turn off the quest helper

There is one aspect of the current game that upsets me - an enforced built-in quest helper that puts markers on the map, mini-map and tooltips of NPCs, which directly guide a player to particular quest-related places and NPCs, indicating whom to fight and where. I find such a game-design decision to undermine immersive exploration and joy of discovery. For me, it transforms the questing into a dull, secondary experience. However, I understand and appreciate that many players do enjoy playing with the in-built quest helper. So please add a possibility to turn off all quest-related help optionally. Those of you who think that it would be nice to have a possibility to turn off the quest helper, please write an in-game suggestion via the support menu, perhaps it will cause the change sooner than the forum post.

I tried finding addons that could remove quest-related points of interest, however, found nothing - only reddit threads where people look for such an addon. There was the ‘World Map point of interest removal’ addon, but it was last updated in 2016 and API changed dramatically since then, so it doesn’t work. Moreover, it didn’t affect the mini-map and NPCs tooltips. If anyone has any addon recommendations for this purpose - they are very welcome.

You can turn off the quest arrow, but while I understand the impulse to find the spot without map markings, I think you will find that in recent expansions, there is no other way to find them.

In Classic, where you had to go was spelt out in the quest instructions, but in later expansions, and certainly DF, you will be told to go kill The Big Bull of Bilbo with no directions for how to find him. He could be anywhere in the Dragon Isles, and that’s a big place.

It wouldn’t need just turning off the map symbols; the devs would have to go back to putting directions in the quest text.


From my perspective that would certainly be desired, but that’s a quite resource-demanding change to ask for.

In my experience most of the contemporary quests are local, unlike the classic ones they very rarely send you to another continent, or even to another location. Also typically quest related NPCs are not far, while quest givers are grouped in quest hubs. So I think that in the majority of cases it will not be an unsolvable through exploration and so a bothersome problem. And if it happens that it is - there’s the local chat or wowhead :slight_smile:

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