Dear Blizzard,
It is with a heavy heart that I write this post as these two realms are dying!
The guild I’m part of is still active and we raid all the content every week, which is amazing despite the situation, but something needs to be done to attract more people or else, Stitches and Nek’Rosh are going to die!
Your anniversary realms are great yes, but some people are still attached to their character on these servers and have no intentions to move over there to do the exact same content they’ve already done. I personally have a level 60 that I cherish and wanna keep playing on Stitches as my fellow guild mates want too.
The price of mates are extremely expensive since there’s not enough people farming them compare to the demand still important to provide raids with consumables.
This is the only thing I can come up with to try to save these realms, but if you got a better idea, I’m very fine with it too.
And if anyone is interested, Cozy HC is still clearing Naxx every week along with AQ40, BWL, MC and 20’s, so if you don’t feel like waiting months on anniversary realms, you’re more than welcome to join us today!
Hoping Blizzard reads this message and do something about this situation.
Stay safe all!