Please Blizzard we want Sethrak and more cool allied races

I have been going around youtube, looking at comments and videos to get to know what would people like to be in World od Warcraft.
First one that comes to me are new races. I really like the old races, but the new allied races aren´t so good. We now have 4 types of elves, 2 types of trolls, 2 types of draenei “space goats” but nothing new. I have heard many people say, that they would like Nagas, Murlocs, Sethrak, Arrakoa and many more. I myself would like only those 4 races to be playable because of the cool new features that they could have.
Nagas - I always wanted to play as Naga, they would make a great change, because we players don´t have any water playable race. And because they don´t have legs it makes them even more unique and fun to play.
Murlocs - They have been in World of Warcraft a really looong time, they are cute and are water creatures too, so both sides Alliance and horde would have one of the race. And just imagine that cute and fine scenario of two friend players, one of them playing as Murloc and one of them playing as Naga, both having so much fun in the waters of friend-ship.
Sethrak - This race has scales! And we dont have any playable scale creatures. And because we players havent seen even one female Sethrak, it would make a cool unique race that would be original because of them being able to be in a Horde and Alliance at the same time and plus them being gender neutral or sexless, them being the first playable race that would be gender neutral, them having no gender at all! I know it sounds weird, but it might be more fun for LGBT+ people.
Arrakoa - They have been in WoW really looong time too and it would be the firs playable race with wings and feathers! And being able to fly or glide thanks to their wings. And the corrupted ones could be playable by the Horde and the uncorrupted ones being playable by the Alliance.
The next thing is new playable system. With this thing I can´t help you that much, but because you have made Vannilla WoW possible, it means a good thing. Getting new playable features, maybe something like flying contests with other players or something like that. Players that like old things about WoW can go play vanilla, but what about the other half? The other half how I know want something new into the game, new mechanics. But I can´t help you with this, I´m sorry.
Other thing is listening to the players and giving them what they want. If the players will see that you care about them makes them feel, that they will maybe one day get what they want. Like me being hyped up for getting new playable allied races.If they will see that you are trying to make theirs dreams come true, they will stay hyped.
I´m sorry for such a long list of things, but I´m just trying to help you Blizzard and at the same time I´m trying to help myself and the other players.
Stay safe and have a nice day, I will be happy if you write me back, Thank you for such a good game like World of Warcraft.
For the Blizzard! For the Alliance! And for the Horde!


is that the Royal “we”?


Foxes are very regal and royal


No “we” don’t.
“You” want. Sethrakk.

But here I go again.

Naga. No reason. No reason at all to join any faction. Like Nightborne, it could only be justified by an absolutely laughable reason. Like two leaders having a petted lip moment.

Sethrakk. See above.

Murlocs. See above.

Arrakoa. See above.

Enough with allied races. I’d rather they spent more time actually DEVELOPING a race and most importantly, giving it a good reason to join faction, not just because one player out of 100 who happens to own a youtube channel says “ooo pretty… Give me Blizzard…”

The moment I get my Arrakoa (with an rogue option) I may be open to other allied races.

Gnoll before snakes!
Hyena people!!!
OR Saberon… we deserve the right to play kittycats
THEN we could have sankes, birds, and all kind of things


I’m still hard malding over the void elf addition instead of getting high elves. It has taken a few years to accept that they wont be added. (And no, blood elves or void elves are NOT high elves, I will not budge on that)

Scaly bois would be a nice addition, I guess?


nah I wanted ogres, you didn’t look hard enough bruh.

“If the players will see that you care about them”

players should have seen by now that they don’t :stuck_out_tongue: who are you talking to btw, blizz don’t come round here no mo

Alliance badly need a new ‘ugly’ race… give them them Uldum Pygmies! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Or leper gnomes.

Because gnomes are apparently the hottest thing in the market right now, how else would mecha gnomes be explained :crazy_face:

Give them a break Beery
They have Kul Tirans, Gnomes AND Mechagnomes
The Alliance suffered enough


My heart yearns for Ethereals, if Goblins can be bought then surely Ethereals can be bought.

I would rather have something completely different like Fal’dorei

Kul Tirans are cool. I agree about Gnomes and Mechagnomes though.

They aren’t races I’d want. I’m not sure if they’ll do the whole Allied Races thing again or go back to the old way of just letting us play things without having to jump through hoops.

murlocs are stupid, can you imagine a murloc wearing a full set of plate gear lol?

ogres and sethrak are both sensible races, still not sure how they would make naga tail work, thought it would be really cool if they were playable.

arrakoa are a cool race but i feel like the feathers would be a clipping nightmare

The problem with most of the suggested races is that armour simply wouldn’t work :laughing:

Reminds me of that how would a Sethrak wear an item meme.

Alliance should have had Setthraks imo, they hate the nasty vulperas, so it was a perfect match.
Mechagnomes were and still are a waste of allied race slot.

The race model isn’t an issue itself, they managed to make Kultiran work from scratch, vulperas heads work too while they use gobelin skeleton for their animations.

Besides with Setthraks it would be the same work as the vulperas : no full boots/gauntlets due to their reptilian feet/hands, with head gear being the only thing to iron out.

saberons on horde vs worgen
oh wont this be a sight to see
im more in for sanlayn option for belf and more hairstyles

Remove Vulpera, add Tuskarr, its the only true way.

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