Except it was like that for years. Even if you were not in pvp combat and killing an npc in pve mode, if the dungeon queue popped and you tried to accept it would flash across your screen in red “you are in combat and can not do that right now”. The queue would disappear and if you clicked on the eye it would state “ready to enter”.
Now somewhere along the line this has been changed, however if you in a raid group or dungeon group (M+) and in combat pvp or pve and you get a summon the message still flashes across your screen and you cannot accept the summon until you out of combat or dead.
It should be the same for both organized and random queuing in my opinion it would stop this being abused or if you like exploited.
i dont think if it is open world pvp you can enter an instance while in combat in enemy player or did they change it ?
these days they make changes quicker then i change my socks
Sums up about 100% of the players engaging in World PvP that I’ve met in my life. They only attack if they know they’ll win (against a low lvl opponent) or when they have an easy way to escape retribution. Toxic game mode.