we have a rogue troll (not the race) that loves to attack us and when we attack him back, even if its 1v1 he would queue just before he dies, then come back to attack some more, an exploiter you could say.
block this queue thing so that we feel something when we pew pew his butt.
I’ve had this same experience against a Hunter, we killed each other a couple times in wpvp but the last fights he simply phased away and reappeared when his CDs were available again.
And no he didn’t FD->Camo, he used that mid fight and the animations played when he fought legit, he just phased away.
Used to be that if you are in combat you cannot enter the instance and you should see the message pop up on your screen, unless this has changed. Personally have not done open world pvp for years now so I could be wrong.
Edit: Nope it has been changed and you can enter while in combat. Perhaps you want to submit a bug report or even a suggestion report and motivate.
Oddly though if you are in combat you cannot accept a summon from a group member to a raid or dungeon so this leads me to believe it might be a bug for Warmode.
not warmode, tho im sure people do it there too. this is just in goldshire where people hang out, some people have their pvp on, he comes to troll till its time to phase out so he can wait for the cooldowns then comes back.
Honestly the game has gotten easier over the years so it is possible it is working as intended and meant as a quick escape or warmode/pvp flagged were complaining about missing instance queues. There could be a number of reasons.
I still recommend going to the suggestion section and then propose the change and motivate with good reason as to why and then I guess hope for the best.
I mean yes that would suck but being constantly attacked by someone who can’t be killed cause he just vanished for a moment and comes back full health also sucks.
Wait, how does he avoid combat? Does he join queue for some instance mid-combat and instantly enter it at will if he loses the duel? What kind of instance queue is that?
People are engaging in world PvP, queueing for follower dungeons when they start to lose, and teleporting into the dungeon to escape repercussions from the opposite faction.