Whilst I can’t deny that banning gdkp has been a good move in the game. There is still bots everywhere there is still very likely people buying gold.
You know that if blizzard actually made decent progress at the main issue (botting and RMT) that gdkp is actually quite a good way of letting people gain access to content they normally wouldn’t be doing.
I’m not saying yes to gdkp but surely all of you being so anti it are aware that gdkp brings good players and bad players to the same raid for mutual benefit. If the person bringing the gold made that good by leveling a mage and aoe farming for 10hours why are they not allowed to spend in in a gold raid?
Dunno why I’m bothering though. Gdkp ban won’t be raised and I’ve only ever done one in my life and I spent 4g and got 3back at the end.
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The bad players are in essence paying to raid. Now you could argue that this is a fair exchange of goods and services, but I don’t think the idea that you need to whip out your wallet to get a raid spot being normalized is good for the game.
You can only join my raid if you pay me is an incredibly bad mindset to have in the community.
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I thought he was just trolling but now I think it’s a genuine take lmao
Nah I agree. It is a bad mindset. But some people are terribly bad at this game and would never see the lady 2 bosses go down.
But also let’s be real man. People lap that s**t up. Selling boosts. Selliing summons. Selling gear
Ye, but no one complains about paying for summon bots/portal bots/gatherer bots.
Why? Cause it’s convenient for them.
So instead they act like the entire RMT issue is around Gdkp’s.
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Oh without a doubt. Meanwhile they’ll complain about Blizzard selling level boosts, but maybe it’s just because they want less competition. A lot of people like P2W, which is what all these things are in one way or another. Pay to skip leveling, pay to skip travel, buy all your gear. Might as well have it all in the Blizzard shop like it’s some kind of private server.
You can tell the GDKP ban has worked because the gold sellers are on forums complaining about its removal.
No thanks!
Best change ever implemented!
Go swipe ur daddy’s creditcard elsewhere, thx bye!
Not my problem. Go to Taiwan if u want GDKP