Please bring back GDKP´s for Phase 3

Banning GDKP´s doesnt fix the botting problem , doesnt fix the RMT problem, doesnt fix inflation as we all see by now i hope.
Blizzard pls start working better against bots instead of limiting player freedom and letting them play the game with the constant thought "maybe gonna get banned randomly ".


Find a real job or go to retail/wotlk to make money.


It does however fix the GDKP problem. As a matter of fact I have yet to see a single one advertised since the ban.


NO. GDKP is cancer


It fixes the problem of buying loot for gold, which is inherently bad

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Unfortunately for you it will not return.

Devs already told that the gdkp ban gave them a better traceability of illicit gold and so a better survey of bot and players to see who bought some and who doesn’t…

Get lost now

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u dont even raid much at least not on “Shivette” so why does gdkp bother u you much ? i suspect u have a personal problem and are not objective about the topic

Ofc they won’t raid on Shivette. It’s level 80.

Gold prices fell quite a bit, meaning there are less gold buyers and gold sellers earning less money. GDKP will be gone for good, and it is only a matter of time before it will be bannable on Era as well.

If you can’t play without GDKP? Find some pay-2-win game instead.

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Please amuse me and explain this part for me.

Yeah, I lost count of the number of times I was “randomly banned” in raids… oh that’s right, I remember now: zero.

Misconception of causation.
Supply of gold has increased. Increase in supply = reduction of price. That is why with every new expansion, the same amount of money can buy you more gold than it did in the previous expansion. You cannot deduce that the drop in price is caused by reduction of buyers whatsoever.

True, because there are less gold buyers. You know market mechanisms?

So you’re telling me you are making the same gold/hour you were making in p1? Because I’ve gone from around 300g across all chars at the end of p1, to over 2k in p2, and that is factoring in having spent over 400g in recipes and mounts, not to mention the epic helmets, consumables and enchants.

Check that link out, you might learn something.

And after a line like that, I have to ask: do YOU know market mechanisms?

Supply has nothing to do with demand. Supply is how much of something that gets produced, demand is how much consumers want to buy.
But ye, check the link, all that info is there.

stop coming up with excuses. It has been proved GDKP caused gold buying, and gold sales have now fallen. Find another game if you cannot play without pay-2-win please.

Oh really? Why does the devs said they seen a good difference in banning GDKP then? :smiley:

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I see you chose to not answer my question. Lack of arguments, naturally.

I am not against the Gdkp ban. You failed at understanding things, once again, just like you fail at understanding basic Economics. (I advise once again to check the link I posted. I’m 99% sure you won’t, but just in case the 1% hits, here I am making the suggestion).

I never said Gdkp didn’t cause Gold buying. And if you look at my first post in this thread, you’ll realize that (or not, apparently your brain can’t compute the simplest of concepts). In that post, I actually challenge the OP to explain his point, since I am assuming he is just another pro-Gdkp player. OR, you can check the link I posted, where I say EXACTLY that Gdkp’s promote gold buying.

You’re just one of those blind people that get offered to regain their vision, and yet declines the offer.

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I chose because you tried to derail the conversation: GDKP is out and will not be brought back. Yes, demand and supply is not the same, I assumed you meant Demand here since only a gold seller knows about the supply. I assume you are not selling gold … right?

If you mean the exact amount of Gold each website has for sale, you’re right, only they know that.
But if you mean the notion that gold is easier to get in p2 than it was in p1, then you are wrong, since ->every-single-player<- (except you, apparently) knows that gold is easier to farm in p2 and thus, its supply is higher, not just for each player individually, but for ->every-single-player<- (and yes, this includes those websites, even if their “players” are actually bots).

PS: and no, I’m not trying to defend Gdkp’s. Just pointing out your flawed “arguments”.

I have not played this character much since classic vanilla ended no. GDKP is bad for the game, GDKP getting banned is good.

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