Please bring World PVP back!

World PvP is dead. Phasing and sharding killed it all. PvP mode on every place is empty. Even Durotar is empty. If you rolled low pop realm you cant even duel. Game is dead.

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It wasn’t dead in BFA, not even close to. They just need to bring back the CTA weekly quests and bonus rewards, and World PvP will flourish again, like it did in the past. Right now there is no reason to do it, so people are just spamming BGs instead. With rewards back, participation will rise again.


In BFA the actual gameplay was bad. And still is. After MoP its been garbage. W-PvP wont save that.

world pvp is dead and theres nothing they can do to revive it with the faction imbalance. just shoving free items into alliance a… for no reason every week wont save world pvp since its just leading to ppl ganking with multiple groups in the maw.
and idk how ppl can be so delusional and think bfa wpvp was any good.
its been the same unbalanced ganking sh*t.
i never experienced any equal fights, but i guess most ppl need to boost their ego with stoping on a few ppl on a raid group.
battle for nazjatar was just the most horrible pvp map ever introduced since there was no cap on ppl and simply whichever faction was able to fill the raid or multiple raids faster usually won.
also the times where there have been 1 multi botter on each tower have been so much fun…

I guess it’s up to us to bring WPvP back :slight_smile:

Please go back to pve topics where you belong. I basically grew up on pvp servers and private pvp servers back in the day and I do miss the freedom even if it meant me getting ganked too sometimes. Made the world feel realistic instead of catered to carebears.

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You know why world pvp really dies always its because losers who gank lowbies who then turn off the warmode/pvp or past just changed servers to pve.

World pvp on paper sounds really fun but in reality its 99,9% of times just high level/gear cowards ganking low gear/level players who mostly just turn off their pvp and never do it again.

I do like world pvp if people have some sense of honor doing it but when they play like moronic cowards exploiting safe zones/camp flight points or gang on X vs 1 then its not fun at all and mostly i just turn it off or go alt-f4 because i have no interest in grave yard runs that in shadowlands are just too long runs.


sharding and phasing and this"warmode" ruined it
i know best fun for wpvp was in drustvar assaults
where both sides had even numbers in a single raid
pvp servers were better

Please, for the love of Jeebus, bring back scaling in Warmode. Why should I have to do Arena / Rated BG just to be able to complete WQ? A 195 ilvl alt should not be pwned by 215 ilvl main just because that player has achieved a 1.5k rating in RBG. I loved Warmode in BfA and always had a chance 1v1, now it’s just roflstomp for high-geared chars.

Blizz, you need to decide - do you want a fair Open world PvP setting that allows proper combat, or do you want to punish casuals by pandering to the “I want to be OPed” crowd?

Because scaling made it impossible for Alliance to compete during BfA. Currently if I’m on my Ret, I can delete 3 out of 5 average geared Horde and kill the rest by getting help from only 1 more Alliance near me or 1v2 easily.

Zugzugs like having 1 sided worldpvp where they can swarm and get easy kills so they had to turn it off after getting farmed for 2 months. Scaling made 2v5 impossible and that was mostly in favour of Horde not Alliance.

Currently if you want world pvp, just go to the maw. I regularly torture people in the Maw, as a result they add me as battlenet friend and say some cute things.

If you seek world PvP you can also always target world quest zones and check zones with callings.

The WPvP Prize!

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Yeah, and I find much more rewarding compared to a random epic drop from a cache.


I started to level a pri alt a while ago, then I got killed by 3 zugzugs for example in Bastion, not knowing who I am, I logged into this character and killed every horde character I saw in the zone for 40-45 minutes regardless of their level, Bastion was full of spirits sitting on their corpse waiting for a corpse run or skeletons if they were lucky enough to avoid me. This is what worldPvP is. Of course those 3 people were amongst first victims, I killed them 3-4 times until they log off.


The problem with world pvp is that people want to be left alone and farm without having to deal with ganging/world pvping.
For the others that they do miss those glorious days, there should be the option for wpvp on as it is now but in order for that to be more effective, there should be zones that provide things that worth something.
For example , it is completely stupid for a node to be picked multiple times from different players, there is no need to attack that player if i can pick that node as well. Same goes with tag on mobs with skinning herbalism ect.
Rich farming zones that can only be acquired by only 1 person at a time would promote this fight over this.
Also a new system should be implemented regarding the pvp status of players that gang/kill others. Lets say that when you die you lose some gold (the amount should differ depending on how much you have). Also when you kill people and loot there their gold there should be mark like the assassination one, that will drop extra gold from you when you die or something like that.
This is the roughly idea no how things should be made in order to have more action on the world

i think world pvp is pretty much done since they forced it in legion and its pretty much dead since pvp servers are gone. i miss the fights in hellfire pensula back then in WoD. classes didnt feel as clunky as today and everything was just happening naturally. players organized themselfes, pvp had its own gear free from rating cap. i could just spam bgs and get instant q on horde site since anyone swapped to alliance for the human racial. these days im left to wonder why im even playing

Was good wpvp in Elwynn earlier, it can happen! Pesky Horde!

Ye ye, please keep making up crap to impress no one.

You are very funny…and also delusional

Hello i lead a guild that has done World PvP for the past 12 years if you want World PvP on Alliance feel free to join us for some WPvP.

This happend last week!

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