Dear Blizz, let me play my beloved spec and not to be bottom
We were nerfed into oblivion, and for some classes you reverted nerfs, it is time to resurrect arcane
Pls pls pls
Here is why i highly doubt they will do this, mage is doing middle of the pack damage, sure it is the worst mage spec but it is not the worst class.
Right now Arcane in raid is above All dps specs of Warlock, Priest, Monk, Druid, Death Knight, Demon Hunter and Evoker.
And you also have one hunter spec below it in raid.
Blizzard tends to nerf overperforming specs and buff the bottom specs as Arcane is middle of the pack it is very unlikely to see any buffs.
especially in pvp
i m so frustrated.
Also angry at people complaining about the one shot mechanics in pre patch dragon flight
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