Please buff warlock

It’s down right pathetic how this 416 DH outperforms my 428 destro lock (427 with bis benthic) in palace in every single way except maybe survivability. I don’t even have the broken overpowered mechagon trinket and I’m doing the same DPS on my DH as my warlock (about 28k single target with DH on sivara, orogoza, radiance etc, if I recall I ended up with 28-30k dps with warlock on queen’s court).

I won’t play affliction, it sucks, why do I have to manage like 5-6 debuffs for minimal DPS gains. And demonology I don’t really like it.

And don’t even get me started on M+ viability, there is always a better choice despite healthstones and cheeky portals (rogues, DH, monk hihi)

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“”" like 5-6 debuffs for minimal DPS gains ??? “” Affliction is second best spec for Eternal Palace, tf you are talking about, and destruction should be buffed only If Blizzard will add more baseline spells to them cuz the fact how boring it is to play rn is a big NO.

I do very well as demonology, destruction and affliction. It’s just a shame that all of the specs are situational, like on the aerial enforcer fight in Mechagon I got outdpsed by a holy paladin because of demonology and its ramp up time where as holy paladin has a strong burst.

However there are fights, especially with the vision of perfection build, where my soulshards will refund perfectly, I’ll get loads of demonic core procs and multiple demonic tyrants- and suddenly the fight becomes absolutely trivial and I’ve done double the groups dps.

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