Please buff WW for next raid

Can we like giga-buff windwalker for next tier? I dont want to play brewmaster in raid :smiley:
Just make WW #1 dps, as thats the ony way I get out of playing Brewmaster :smiley:

I think ww monk is fine atm in raids. Surely the effort/output is not compareble with a havoc dh. But it is not at the bottom. I would love to see some changes to the 6th row of talents as I don’t like the “pls proc pls proc pls proc” spinning crane kick situation :smiley:

WW was one of the best DPS for most of this tier tho.
I doubt they will buff them a lot for next raid.

This has always been the case at the start of every xpack. Blizz just needs to often tune how we scale with stats. No idea why is WW coded like that but that’s what we have.

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