Please can we end this truce, it's boring

we brough some arguments befor:

  • after 20 years it has become stale.

  • it makes no sense, there are several reasons for this, one of which is that the people should simply be tired of war, there should simply be a lack of soldiers on both sides as well as resources.

  • Besides, we have interrupted the conflict so many times to fight against the first invasion of number xy in order to defeat them together.

  • Blizzard introduced mire criss faction featurs to balance things out between alliance and horde.

  • and the most important argument: it leads to nothing because blizzard can’t let either side win or lose because in the end it would mean the end for one side and the losing side would be unplayable, which would mean you would lose a very large portion of paying customers and not even blizzard would be that stupid.

  • In the end, the stories end in a draw that absolutely no one is happy about, the allainz gets the shaft at the beginning and stands there completely idiotically at first, only that they then win but in the end, as in SoO and Bfa, the horde is spared and wins absolutely nothing.

  • The horde is always in a good position at the beginning, but can’t win because villianbait and they lose/get mauled again for plot reasons, and in the end they don’t win anything either.

  • and looking at Bfa, it was disastrous, so Blizzard decided we go away from that story afterwards, If it wasn’t for shadowlands, Bfa would go down as the worst addon in the history of wow, even worse than Wod!


The main argument of pro faction-war posters is “We find peace boring” (And trying to steer the story your way is similarly selfish), plus some rose-tinted goggles stuff about “The core of the franchise”, by which people mostly mean the first two RTS-games, “Warcraft III” already took a sharp turn away from that, introducing the “new Horde” under Thrall and the concept of working together to fight off the greater evil.

The main reason to end faction war, though, is a purely practical one: simply that the playerbase is too imbalanced, particularly at the higher end of content, hence almost everything being made cross-faction, and running raids together while the storyline is all about how Horde and Alliance hate each other to death (And the accompanying faction jingoism) would be very counterproductive to that.


Arbeiter hörst du es nicht?

I think xfaction is really important for the game and the faction war to this point wasn’t that great since nothing could ever really happen. I mean just look at the teldrasil drama or how weak the horde felt after dazalor.
But I understand why people like the faction war and why they want it continued.

In my opinion it would be best to revamp our player characters to not be the heroes of the factions but to be adventurers.
Make a guild that oversees and manages us and we can work for both factions.
That way it doesn’t matter which race you pick we can all quest together we can all raid together.

And the factions can fight and have actually losses and take over territorys/ lose them without us players feeling like we lose for the story’s sake.

That way we also can avoid both factions working together to fight the big bad. Maybe the horde ignores a threat that is mainly nearl alliance territory or the alliance even helps some cult cause they mainly threaten the horde

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the alliance being on the losing end would be a nice change of things.

Yes it would be but that can only happen without us bound to the factions.
We hordes know that it doesn’t feel good when your side gets pummelt so I don’t wish that on the alliance players

Being independent from the faction might need time and resources and a bit of trust from the players but in the end they would learn to see a loss of the faction they like as a good story point and not as an attack cause they are no longer directly part of that faction

All the fun I had for my faction was taken from me in BFA. Now I want the same happening to the alliance. Simple as that.

You want other to feel bad cause you felt bad even so they aren’t at fault for you feeling bad?

Got it.

Just so you know. The alliance players did not write the story

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But they profited from it. And that is what matters. Blizzard wrote it in a way all benefits go to the blue team and the Horde had been constantly suffering since they started killing our NPCs with Dranosh and Cairne in wotlk and recently soon Gallywix next patch. Blizzard hates the Horde and loves the Alliance that is obvious.

Yes it looks like they are not in favour of the horde but why do you pin that on the players?

It’s a game buddy the players “profited” from it?

Do you even read what you write?
That’s crazy. They just played a game they liked.

Go and curse blizzard for the lack of attention the horde got but don’t make a fool of yourself and blame the players. They did not decide that


Oh I don’t agree with that take.
BfA had several elements that didn’t make it a good expansion, but overal I still played for the vast majority of its runtime. I was not a fan of its war story nor the N’Zoth one. I absolutely hated horrific visions, corruptions and what they did to two wonderful zones: Vale and Uldum.

But overal TBC is worse than BfA for sure, in my opinion.
I love the outdoor world and BfA just had some wonderful, wonderful launch zones. Some of the best in WoW’s entire history as far as I’m concerned. And for me that made up for a lot.

TWW is the best example. All the dwarf characters are here plus Alleria and Anduin. But the Horde? Fully ignored by Blizzard. And It will continue to call that out until the alliance lost just as much as the Horde did the past 16 years.

I didn’t even disagree that more horde members died then alliance members and you have every right to say you don’t like that fact.

I said let’s detache us players from the factions so no one has to have his side loose and you answered that you want the players to feel the loose since they are somehow at fault for what a company does

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Speak English!
Since were guest here.
Also you quote a socialist sing from the GDR. (Communists propaganda!)

Because the alliance wasn’t at the start of bfa at the losing end in only git wins Because Danuser Can’t completely mess things up with Allianz.

Yeah, wishing the same for the other side what you dint like ist a god answer.
We have dor that an old saying in Germany:
“Do not do to others what you would not want done to yourself”

I kean its Erevien you talk about, he was serious about Blizzard ahout renive the alliance., to punish the players.

I mean, on a island with stone Dwarves its understandable that the dwarf get focus here and tbh they haven mkre and force for a long time, jts god thwy have dir one thw spotlight.

And for midnight the bloodelves got ist because they were neglected.

Ah and birde js also present in khaz algar but since i knows you you turn a blind eye to that.

the second the truce ends:

The alliance having a orbital weapon platform is a distinct advantage

It was a joke dude.

They alliance was never excluded from the plot for 3 expansions straight like the Horde did.

the alliance deserves to fall for the injustice they forced the Horde through so far. That is fair and right.

Blizzard caters to the alliance players so they are responsible for it.

We both know you don’t have a source for this since everything regarding Midnight is just speculation at the moment.

They aren’t.

Scrin are actual cool Aliens unlike Draenei who brought only misery.

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That’s not how Erevien thinks, he’s of the opinion “My toy broke, now all the other kids’ toys should be smashed too, so we’re all miserable instead of just me!”, a fairly childish mindset, if you ask me, but there’s no point in talking sense to him, he just breaks out his list of dead Horde “heroes” or other “injustices” (The equivalent of putting his hands on his ears and yelling “I’M NOT HEARING YOU!!!”), and just ignores any arguments.

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That’s something I have seen a couple of times now

When someone bring a strange take they just ignore the replies that bring facts to the table.

Why even start a discussion when you don’t want to discuss ^^

I know I am right that’s all what matters here.

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You know that you have the OPINION that you are right.
The only thing you are right with is that there are more dead horde leaders then alliance leaders cause that is a numerical fact.
But why that is that is unknown and you can only state your opinion